Get a boost from sports match funding grants
We have over £10 million in +Extra funding for charities, not-for-profits, social enterprises, community organisations and sports clubs.
We have over £10 million in +Extra funding for charities, not-for-profits, social enterprises, community organisations and sports clubs.
Sports match funding is an easy way to raise extra money for your campaign by getting grants from corporate or public sector organisations, foundations, or trust funds. They’ll pledge to top up your fundraising total with extra money, or they may agree to donate a certain amount for every £1 you raise.
With +Extra funding, you could receive a cash boost to take you beyond your original fundraising goal. Our matched crowdfunding partners include bodies like Sport England, as well as corporate organisations and local authorities across the UK. Get started to boost your fundraising pot with match funding grants.
Add your project
Create your page in minutes - tell your story, explain your plans and set your fundraising target.
Check eligibility
We’ll let you know if you're eligible for any of our available funds in your project dashboard.
Apply for funding
Submit your application for +Extra funding. Read our handy guide to prepare for +Extra funding.
Get matched
Our partners may match fund your project, amplifying your fundraising efforts and helping you reach your target.
Sport England Movement Fund
Grant funding to improve physical activity opportunities for your community.
Sport Wales: A Place for Sport
Sports clubs or community organisations developing for the benefit of the community.
SNI: Creating Opportunities Fund
Connect communities to enable more people to take part in sport and physical activity
Each match fund has its own criteria, so check this before applying. Please note that personal causes and prize draws are not currently eligible for +Extra funding.
Eligible groups for match funding include:
✅ Charity
✅ Not-for-profits, CICs
✅ Social enterprises
Raise extra money - get a cash boost and surpass your original fundraising goal
Boost awareness of your cause - working with a corporate partner will raise your campaign’s profile
Extra momentum for your campaign - knowing your funding will be matched and your hard work will pay off
Share the fundraising load - raise extra cash without having to ask your donors for more money
Collaborate with new partners - reach new audiences and get extra support from our match funding partners
Inspiring sport stories
Read the inspiring stories of successful crowdfunding sports projects on Crowdfunder.
Sport +Extra funding
Find out if you're eligible for an extra funding boost from our sport match funding partners.
Webinars and resources
Free expert crowdfunding webinars and resources to help you at every stage on your crowdfunding journey.
Interested in become a sport funding partner?
Want to support grassroots sports clubs, local community venues and empower movement across the UK? Become a match funding partner to support communities to become happier and healthier.