Let's elect Ann in East Kilbride and Strathaven!

by Scottish Greens in South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

Let's elect Ann in East Kilbride and Strathaven!
We did it
On 4th July 2024 we successfully raised £518 with 11 supporters in 23 days

Your donation will help us give the people of East Kilbride and Strathaven a chance to vote for real action on the climate emergency.

by Scottish Greens in South Lanarkshire, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Ann McGuinness is a passionate environmental campaigner with equality and the empowerment of others as her motivation. Having lived experience of both poverty and disability, she has a breadth and depth of knowledge of some complex topics often under-represented in our national discourse. 

She is a committed feminist and active in local and national politics, having worked with others across the political spectrum to train, motivate and empower our women politicians of the present and future. 


Your donation will help take the Scottish Green vision to people across East Kilbride and Strathaven. 

This is a people-powered campaign, and your donation will make a huge difference. The Scottish Greens aren’t in the pockets of corporate backers or millionaires, instead we rely on people like you.

Your donations will help us to:

  • Pay the deposit to get Ann’s name on the ballot
  • Print election material to reach as many people in East Kilbride and Strathaven as possible
  • Distribute newsletters and postcards to voters

Help us to run the best campaign possible. Together, let's elect Ann!

Please note: if you are kind enough to donate more than £50 to Ann's campaign your name and address will be checked against the electoral register to ensure you are a permissible donor. 

Promoted by Alan Cresswell on behalf of Ann McGuinness, c/o the Scottish Green Party, at 19b Graham Street, Edinburgh, EH6 5QN.

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