Hope In Depression - donate your nectar points

RCN 1179351,

Hope in depression provides a free 6 week course for sufferers of depression and or anxiety and their supporters/carers. The course educates, empowers, and equips people to be a part of their own recovery and to learn proven techniques and resources from highly qualified professionals. Subjects covered are brain chemistry, medication, therapy, nutrition, mindfulness, fitness & stories of recovery.

Where it all began...

Hope in Depression started as an informative, sharing, support group for sufferers of depression and anxiety back in October 2013 after my own personal experience. Over the last 8 years, we have grown and developed into a 6-week course, that empowers, educates, and equips sufferers.  We became a registered charity in July 2018. 

Why we are unique...

The course is also for people wanting to help loved ones who are experiencing mental health issues. During the first session on the course, my husband shares his perspective from getting it wrong and now knowing what to do and what to say. We are unique because the course brings both sufferers and supporters together to bring more understanding and help.

How depression and anxiety impact...

Depression and anxiety are debilitating and, potentially, life-threatening diseases; they are entirely indiscriminate, attacking young and old, wealthy, and poor, people from every nationality, ethnicity, culture, social background, and lifestyle. These illnesses often result in family breakdown, loss of employment, reliance on strong medication, and physical and mental isolation for those suffering and, in some cases, loss of life. They also impact profoundly on partners, loved ones, friends, and acquaintances who observe the person they know descending into isolation, negativity, and hopelessness, often believing that no recovery is possible.

Our main aim...

Our main objective is to provide HOPE to people who believe there is none. As someone with lived experience of depression and anxiety, I knew people needed a lifeline and a space that normalised what they were going through.   

What we do...

Hope in Depression provides courses designed to help sufferers and supporters/carers of depression and anxiety, to understand what is happening physically and how to care for themselves or others. The course has 6 two-hour weekly sessions and is free.

How we do it...

The Hope in Depression course provides a safe and confidential space, a place to put down the ‘I’m fine’ mask and just be real.  This allows people to relate to one another and to realise that they are not alone.

Over the 6 weeks, we cover several vital subjects, each talk is given by an expert in that field.  We have a psychiatrist, GP, therapist, nutritionist, mindfulness instructor, fitness instructor, and many stories of recovery.

The course covers brain chemistry and how lifestyle and medication can improve our chemistry; nutrition – how food affects mood and meal planning; benefits of physical activity and goal setting; anxiety and depression - why we experience anxiety and how to manage those symptoms and mindfulness practices.

Who delivers the course...

Our courses are delivered by our network of partners, all of whom are trained, and offer a safe and confidential environment. When a local community identifies a need for this programme, local people volunteer to help run the course and act as facilitators. They are trained by the charity so that they are able to support those attending the programme both during and after completion. This sustains support and builds assets in that local community. Before the pandemic, the courses were held in local churches but since the first lockdown, we have been providing the courses online via zoom.  Whilst the courses have been based through the church network, it welcomes everyone of all faiths and none and is non-judgemental.

How Covid has affected our delivery...

Back in November 2018, we raised money to professionally film all our speakers in a studio environment. This allowed us to reach more people and to not rely on our speakers having to travel.  This has been an invaluable resource, allowing us to pivot during the pandemic and provide our courses online.  Over the last 18 months, we have served 323 people with 108 volunteers. People need to connect and amazingly this does work on zoom.

All our speakers are volunteers and give their time freely.  

We fundraise to cover the cost...

It costs £53.60 per person to attend a course and includes our amazing coursebook (rrp £13). The more money we raise the more people we can help.  We will never charge for people to attend.  The course is free for all.  Text  Description automatically generated with low confidence

What your donations will do...

This crowdfunding money will allow us to train more course leaders and provide more courses.  Since the pandemic, the demand has grown.  As a team, we want to meet this very real need and provide the lifeline that this course is. 

The stats...

Since the first course back in October 2013, we have collected feedback from our attendees and course partners. This has allowed us to improve, develop and maintain a high quality of material and care.  

Two of the questions allowed us to collect the following statistics.

‘Have you benefitted from attending the course?’ 97% said yes.

‘Has your mood improved?’ 96% said yes. 

I think you'll agree this is an incredible success rate.

What our attendees say...

The quotes...

Here are some quotes from a few of our feedback forms.

“Just six weeks ago, I was feeling dreadful and now I am feeling enthusiastic and, most importantly, have belief and hope in my own decisions.”

“Now I have learned useful techniques and tools, I need to embark on the journey. I feel well equipped to face the challenges ahead.”

“At the end of the first session, I realised that I had listened for 2 hours, the content rang true, so very true, with what I was feeling. It completely changed my life… the fact that it is available through zoom has meant that others outside the area can join in.”

“I love the coursebook. It will be my guide.”

We need your help...

Please help us reach more people and let them know they are not alone and they can feel better.  There is always hope, life is to enjoy, not endure!

The following short films are testimonies from two of our attendees.  The last film is our promo film, which course partners share when promoting the course.