THE OLIVER KING FOUNDATION - ECG Testing & Wellness Centre
Since 2012, we have been campaigning for all schools to have access to a defibrillator in an emergency. With determination and tenacity we finally achieved our goal this summer of 2023, with the installation of defibrillators in all state schools in England. We will still continue to campaign for defibrillators to be as commonplace as fire extinguisher's in all public places and our next goal is to have our own ECG Testing & Wellness Centre to PREVENT cardiac arrest.

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Total raised so far £36,381
+ est. £5344.00
About Us
My son Oliver King who was 12-years-old attended King David High School in Liverpool. Whilst winning a swimming race in a PE lesson, he tragically suffered a sudden cardiac arrest due to a condition known as Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS). This condition kills 12 young people under the age of 35 every single week in the UK. Sadly there was no lifesaving defibrillator on hand, and for every minute that passed his chances of survival dropped significantly.
To help someone who is in cardiac arrest effectively, a defibrillator needs to be found as quickly as possible. For every minute it takes for the defibrillator to reach someone and deliver a shock, their chances of survival reduce by up to 10%.
After that fateful day the charity was started as I was determined that no other family was to suffer the same loss that my family had that day. I wouldn't rest until every UK state school had access to a defibrillator and finally this was achieved after 11 years of hard and dedicated campaigning this summer.
Sealing the deal in 2022 with the then Secretary of Education Nadhim Zahawi
To date the Foundation have placed 6,200 defibrillators in schools and organisations across the UK. I have driven across the country to personally deliver these from as far as the Outer Hebrides to Portsmouth, training 135,000 staff in defibrillator awareness along the way. We are also aware of 71+ lives being saved by the defibrillators we have placed.
To open our own ECG testing centre. As part of the programme we will offer cardiac screening (ECG) in order to detect any heart abnormalities and irregularities within the heart.
The biggest thing we face with unknown heart condtions is that we may only find out their is an issue after a serious incident occurs which can limit an individual's chances of survival. We want to raise awarness and support affected families, therefore early detection is key to ensure that people are treated and are able to live with their problems safetly.
ECG Testing Day
When we teamed up with Pall Mall Medical and the 23 Foundation to pilot a ECG Testing day , one child out of the 20 tested had long QT syndrome, another life potientially saved.
"I miss my Ollie every day", I’m determined that no other family has to suffer the same loss that my family has. So anything you can contribute towards helping us achieve this dream of having our own centre, will help us continue and expand our work to reach even more people and save more lives.
Support Us
To make this vision a reality we require funds and supporters help, to raise money to make this happen. Simply raise funds by clicking on the link, nominate us as your charity of the year or simply get in touch, we would love to hear from you.
Thank You
Mark King