We want to ensure that you have an independent voice that offers and represents Real Hope and Real Change for both Dartfordians and residents in Gravesend alike.
We need to raise £2000 to pay for our candidates deposits and to help get the message out through General Election postcards and video content.
We have truly community-first, local candidates ready to stand across both Dartford and Gravesham, and they cannot wait to represent you.
It has never been a better time to vote and support Green, for people and planet. Laura and Rebecca are inspiring, visionary women that will bring real hope and real change to our communities.
Do you want to have a direct impact on our chances of success at this and future elections?
Dartford and Gravesham Green Party are an established, impactful, visionary party that has YOUR interests at heart.
Please help us by chipping in £10, £20, £50, or whatever you can afford, to help us make a deep, community-first impact for you and the wider community.
The Green Party does not receive corporate donations, nor are we lobbied or controlled by insidious interests.
Are you with us?
Shall we make a tangible community-first difference across Dartford and Gravesham TOGETHER?
This Crowdfunder is promoted by Nick Buckley of The Green Party, both at PO BOX 78066, London SE16 9GQ.