Crowdfund Norfolk
Get up to £10,000
Supporting environmental, sustainability and net zero projects in Norfolk.
You need a crowdfunding project to apply for funding. Start or continue adding your project and, if eligible, you'll be prompted to apply.
Norfolk County Council have teamed up with Crowdfunder to launch Crowdfund Norfolk.
Using the power of the crowd, we’re helping environmental, sustainability and net zero projects to get the funding they need to turn their ideas into a reality.
Projects that match the eligibility criteria will be eligible for 50% funding, up to the maximum value of £10,000.
The types of projects we would expect to see could include but not exhaustive to:- Converting or restoring community greenspace to wildlife habitat
- Environmental improvements to a community centre or village hall grounds
- Coastal and marine projects
- Local wildlife training and monitoring schemes
- Reduction of invasive species, litter, noise or light pollution in the environment
- Initiatives to help local people to connect with their environment
- Activities which encourage people to grow nature and increase the public understanding and enjoyment of wildlife and heritage
- Nature – works to improve habitats or conserve species, as well as helping people to connect to nature in their daily lives
- Designed landscapes – improving and conserving historic landscapes such as public parks, historic gardens and botanical gardens
- Improving landscapes for people and nature by, for example, restoring habitats and celebrating the cultural traditions of the land
- Replacing community infrastructure structure fossil fuel reliance – for example air or ground source heat pump upgrades to oil heating systems
- Solar systems to reduce running costs of community assets
- Innovative carbon reduction aspects of new build community buildings like cobbauge, strawbuild or insulation techniques
- EV infrastructure at community centres and village halls
Eligible organisations
To be eligible to apply, organisations must be one of the following:- A registered charity
- A CIC/Social enterprise
- An organisation on the FCA Mutuals register
- Constituted Community group or volunteer organisation
- Parish & Town Councils
- Individuals
- Sole traders
- For profit businesses
- Organisations set up as trusts (including charitable trusts)
- District & County Councils