Turn2us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially.
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Total raised so far £77,881
+ est. £9961.50
0Despite the recent government measures, high energy bills and huge increases in the cost of other essentials like food and fuel are forcing millions of families across the UK to make the unthinkable choice between feeding their families and keeping the lights on or cleaning their clothes.
Together, we can offer families support and practical advice to make sure no one has to make this choice.
Since March 2020 thanks to supporters, Turn2us has helped over 3 million people claim life-changing benefits through our helpline and benefits calculator. Supporters have helped Turn2us offer over 8,000 financial grants to families and work together with charity partners to lobby for lasting policy change, which has resulted in £933 million in additional crisis funding for families.
Donate now to join Turn2us to help ensure all families can afford basics like food, fuel and electricity and have the chance to recover long-term to build a stronger future.