Pay your bills or feed your family?

Turn2us profile

Project by Turn2us

Pay your bills or feed your family?
We did it
On 12th July 2022 we successfully raised £56,531 ( + est. £6058.00 Gift Aid ) with 1202 supporters in 12 days

Millions of UK households are facing rising living costs. Donate now to help those in need.

Help UK families overcome the rising living costs. 

Can you donate to help those facing rising living costs in the UK?





Despite the recent government measures, as energy bills rise and other living costs like food and fuel continue to rise, millions of families across the UK still face the unthinkable choice between feeding their families and paying their bills. Anyone around you could secretly be facing this struggle. It could be your neighbour, your aunt, your best friend, your favourite teacher from school.

Help us fund the support these families desperately need.

How will your donation transform lives?

Turn2us grants provide rapid financial assistance to people experiencing, or at risk of, destitution. Your donation could help fund:

  • £20 can help cover one family’s transport costs to work, school or hospital appointments for an entire week
  • £25 can help three families receive financial advice and support through our Helpline
  • £45 can help a family pay their rising utility costs for an entire week 
  • £100 can help cover groceries to feed a family for an entire week


Who are Turn2us and what do they do?

In 2021, Turn2us answered over 108,000 calls for financial help and advice with approximately 7,000 of those from people in a financial emergency, with little or no money to pay for basic goods and services such as food, utilities and clothing. 

Working-age households on low incomes are hardest hit, including families with children, households in London and Black, Asian and minority ethnic households. 

The cost of living crisis comes at a time when the levels of destitution in the UK have been increasing since before the pandemic. An estimated 1 million households experienced destitution at some point in 2019, a 35% increase since 2017. This equates to 2.4 million people, including 550,000 children. This number is expected to rise to 5 million people from April.

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