RCN 1197138,

We are all about opening the new Rush Skatepark in the Stroud District which will be an indoor supersized skatepark for BMX freestyle, Skateboard, Scooter and Inline Skating. Have a look at to see more.

The Vision

Take a look at 

Ready to open in 2025 - Rush will be the first purpose built indoor Skatepark, at 11,148 m2 on a 16 acre site it will be supersized and flexible. Keeping the WOW alive.

  • provision for BMX, Skateboard, Scooter and Inline Skates
    • we believe passionately in the 4 sports combined to ensure
      • Commercial feasibility
      • Scooter offers a quick start access, particularly to the very young, to all 4 sports – basically getting used to being on wheels.
  • environmental and financial sustainability designed in
  • all under one roof 
  • state of the art competition and training facilities
  • professional broadcasting set up, inbuilt
    • cameras
    • sound
    • recording
    • streaming
  • accessible
  • encouraging the next generation
  • excellent rider and supporters facilities
    • catering
    • R and R
    • Spectator seating/viewing
  • first class retail provision
    • Enhances commercial faesibility

Creating a community where all are encouraged and made welcome.


The new park will be purpose built and bigger and better in every way. This will be the indoor centre of excellence that is badly needed for our sports with spectator and broadcast facilities designed from the outset. As far as possible it will be a sustainable and eco-friendly. It will do all that the old one did for riders and their families and so much more. 

For the Riders

Park Section: This will be designed like no other park anywhere in the world, with flexible elements to keep the experience and competitions fresh. 

Complete Practice Area: Resi Quarters, Spines, Jump Boxes and Foam Pit with Video Cameras and screens to show the riders what they are doing well and not so well.

Pump Track:  The pump track will have challenging turns and jumps but will be wide enough for two riders to compete against each other.

Bowl: Large, deep and long - the feeling of Vert but never ending.

Street Section: Creating a real urban vibe with flexible features to bring extra challenges for more experienced and professional riders. 

The Next Generation

Beginners Area: Increased space will mean there can be a dedicated beginners area, with a variation of small to medium jumps, pump track and small resi. 

Mini Shredders Area: For children 1 and 5years of age for wheeled play. 

Centre of Excellence

Whilst we love all our riders, all our riders love aspiration and excellence. This has been a feature of the first Rush Skatepark and will continue to be so. We are committed to growing the next generation of champions and medal winners and the facilities for practice, coaching and competition will reflect this ambition. 


Another area where Rush has a successful legacy to build on. Rush will continue working with All Sorts - a local specialist charity for children with disabilities to ensure that they have the consistent and frequent opportunity to have the Rush experience

Charity Projects


Updates 1

Rush Sports Community Trust Cio(Friends Of Rush Skatepark) posted an update on 4th January 2023

BBC Points West and Debbie's Walking Challenge


If you havent seen it yet take a look at the BBC report over the Christmas break.

If you feel able to donate - anything Debbie raises (up to £5000) is GUARANTEED to be matched by her employers Ecclesiastical Insurance. So every £1 donated is actually £2!

Also you can do your own fundraiser.

Basically progress is on hold until we have the money for - so please anything and everything you have please. There will be more to spend but these surveys etc are next.

Topo Survey £1295 + VAT

Highways £2975 + VAT

Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment circa £5k

Archeological and Heritage circa £2-3k

Flooding and Drainage £3-5k

Noise £2k

Landscaping design up to £10k

That lot is £30K

The planning and desin fees will be signifcant on top of these but we can't commit to any further spend until we see money coming in......

Please help in any way that you can.



Martin Symes
10th April 2024 at 3:58pm

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Ecclesiastical Insurance
29th November 2023 at 11:18am

pledged £5,005

Ecclesiastical Insurance has also backed 5 other projects

Aceil Haddad
30th October 2023 at 10:50am

Just keep running, just keep running, Love you lots, Aceil, Will, Em and Tin x

Steve Dechan
29th October 2023 at 12:58pm

Brilliant from our MP- Let’s get the New skate park built.

Therese B
28th October 2023 at 9:02pm

Good luck Siobhan!!! X

Jemma O'Brien
28th October 2023 at 8:42pm

You're amazing! Hope you can at least vaguely enjoy it... love from the OBs xx

28th October 2023 at 8:41pm

pledged £30 + an est. £7.50 in Gift Aid

28th October 2023 at 1:27pm

pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid

28th October 2023 at 1:11pm

Good luck Siobhan! Stroud is lucky to have you as an MP

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