Debbie Bird Walking 100km 4 the new Rush Skatepark

Debbie Bird Walking 100km 4 the new Rush Skatepark
We did it
On 3rd January 2023 we successfully raised £11,170 with 26 supporters in 14 days

How could you raise money? I am leading by example! Trust me! walking anywhere is challenging - I am giving it a go!


Started on 20th December 2022 Lypiatt View, Bussage, Stroud GL6 8DA, UK

Updates 3

Rush Sports Community Trust Cio(Friends Of Rush Skatepark) posted an update on 18th March 2023

100km finished today!

Had a great walk today from Brimscombe Port to Stratford Park with Amanda, Freddie, Sam, John, David, Gavin, Finn, Jerry, Michelle, Pip and Alex and 3 dogs! Lovely walking with great company, collected some money along the way. Great sense of achievement. Thank you for all the encouragement and support. 1679178509_127e11ee-c1f0-428d-88b7-db0568c6b76a.jpeg

Rush Sports Community Trust Cio(Friends Of Rush Skatepark) posted an update on 15th March 2023

93.02k in the bag!

I am really looking forward to walking the last 5k with friends on Saturday. (3pm at the ship, Brimscombe) just hoping the rain will hold off. 

Rush Sports Community Trust Cio(Friends Of Rush Skatepark) posted an update on 4th March 2023

83.4km achieved final push on 18th March please join me


I am pleased to say that I have now got to 83.4km walked so I feel like I am on the home straight. My stupid leg keeps playing me up so I am being careful not to over do it so I can get to the end soon.

FINAL WALK will be on 18th March at 3pm from the Ship Inn Brimscombe to Stratford Park Ramps. That’s about 5.5km and will take around 1.5 hours. We will walk mainly on the canal path. It would be great to have company for that walk so please come along or just greet me at the end around 4.15 or so.

I have some great pledges from people who are making me wait until I have achieved before donating but Please don’t let that stop you - donate now! Every contribution helps and will be doubled by my employers Ecclesiastical who are part of the Benefact Group. 

Got to go - more walking to do!

The old Rush skatepark did so much more than just provide the fun and thrill of riding. The new one will be no different.

The belief that anyone can challenge themselves and achieve.

To many people walking 100KM (62.1 miles) would be - huh no probem. 

Well, I am overweight (by a lot!) and I spend too much time at my desk for a start. I HATE excerising. I actually started the challenge in the summer and walked 32km (which I am bagging for now incidentally) - and then I had an injury which meant I had to rest up. So finally, I am getting going once more. 

I don't plan to stop but let's get to the first 100km and then we will see where we go from there. Feel free to donate now though! (Please)

I just count walks which I measure with my watch as 'outdoor walk' if anyone wants to verify the data it is available just get in touch. These can be from about half a km and upwards but I have done some nice 5km ones. I am only walking though....

Wish me luck!

Oh and a big bonus - I work for Ecclesiastical - part of the Benefact Group and they will match whatever I raise making every £1 you donate worth £2!


Ecclesiastical Insurance
11th May 2023 at 12:44pm

pledged £6,020

Ecclesiastical Insurance has also backed 5 other projects

Phillippa Green
28th March 2023 at 1:49pm

Well done Debbie. Great work. P, B, D & E xxxx

Phillippa Green
28th March 2023 at 1:48pm

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Katrina King
21st March 2023 at 12:52pm

Well done Debbie & the team .. so nearly there !

Katrina King
21st March 2023 at 12:51pm

pledged £30 + an est. £7.50 in Gift Aid

Katrina King has also backed 1 other project

Lucy Handscomb
20th March 2023 at 9:26am

Congratulations! What an amazing achievement :)

Lucy Handscomb
20th March 2023 at 9:25am

pledged £20 + an est. £5.00 in Gift Aid

Manas Mehta
20th March 2023 at 8:43am

All the very best!

Manas Mehta
20th March 2023 at 8:43am

pledged £10

Paul King
20th March 2023 at 6:32am

Well done! Paul K

Paul King
20th March 2023 at 6:31am

pledged £50 + an est. £12.50 in Gift Aid

Jo Smith
19th March 2023 at 10:23pm

Well done Debbie! So proud of you for keeping it up, getting through the issues and starting again and making it to 100km! Now you just need to do another 100 :)

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