Cumbria County Scout Council

RCN 520617, Kendal

The purpose of Scouting is to promote the development of young people in acheiving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. It does this through an enjoyable and attractive scheme of progressive training based on the Scout Promise and Law.

Scouts are do-ers and give-it-a-go-ers. Yes, we go camping, hiking, swimming, abseiling, cycling and canoeing. But we also get to hang out with our friends every week –  having fun, playing games, working in a team and taking on new challenges.

Every week we give almost half a million 4-25 year olds the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life.

Everyone’s welcome here. All genders, races and backgrounds. Regardless of your child’s physical ability – there’s a Scout adventure out there waiting for them. And we’ll help them find it.


Extra funding and programmes
Nectar Donate donated to this cause

Nectar Donate has provided £20 of funding

This project received funding through the Nectar donate programme, turning points into positivity.


Clicky Media
7th February 2023 at 2:33pm

pledged £100

Elizabeth Morgan
12th June 2022 at 8:42am

To be selected for the World Scout Jamboree is a great achievement in the first place. Up and down Sca Fell Pike in a day, brilliant. Well done. And enjoy this amazing experience and have lots of fun. Liz

Ben Ashton and Murin Birks
8th June 2022

Posted a new update on Scafell Pike Twice in a Day

Matthew Henry
7th June 2022 at 6:46pm

Amazing effort, well done, and enjoy the Jamboree

Damian Seath
7th June 2022 at 8:59am

Well done Ben & Murin

WSJ Western Lakes Group
5th June 2022 at 3:38pm

Well done from Keith & Lynn

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