Wild Possibilities Wellbeing Woodland

by Chel Edinburgh in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £6,059

raised so far



My mission is to buy several acres of land within Plymouth for rewilding and for creative outdoor therapies and environmental arts therapy.

by Chel Edinburgh in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 25th December 2020 we'd raised £6,059 with 66 supporters in 52 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

The land will cost a great deal more than our original target but it's hoped the monies raised will get the project off to a good start. I plan to continue to fund raise until I have enough to secure a plot and eventually I plan to crowdfund for provision of compost loos and a straw bale workshop.

I hope with your support to create a wild and private haven for people of all ages to gather and come back into nature for healing and growth. A place where all are warmly welcomed can learn about the plants and the trees, the cycles and seasons of the land, from old traditions and wise elders. A place to realise a personal belonging with our natural environment and with the earth.

My vision is to create a wonderful therapeutic woodland space for outdoor based therapies, teaching and workshops. The project, provisionally called, Wild Possibilities Wellbeing Woodland, will be a safe space within Plymouth that will provide structured and accompanied creative therapeutic healing experiences by specialist arts therapy practitioners, counsellors and elders. 


ArtCures Eco Art Therapy will provide unique therapeutic and learning experiences in this safe and inclusive woodland setting, designed to nurture emotional wellbeing, social skills and connection to the natural world. ArtCures Eco Art Therapy aims to help build the resilience and self-esteem necessary to meet life's challenges.

ArtCures facilitate environmental art therapy (EAT) and arts therapies for individuals of all ages, working with children, adults and elders in schools, universities, adult mental health settings and in private practice. Providing a creative, nurturing and collaborative environment through one to one and small group bookable therapy sessions there will also be opportunities for other therapeutic practitioners to also utilise the woodland.


About ArtCures

ArtCures Ltd is directed and facilitated by myself, Michelle Edinburgh. Since qualifying as an art psychotherapist, I have worked extensively within NHS settings in mental health, physical health, learning disabilities and in both adult and young people's services.  As a practicing artist, most recent exhibited mixed media paintings, Supernovae at Willow Restaurant, Totnes, Devon in February 2020 and an Environmental Arts Therapist, I am deeply committed to working with healing and the land.

ArtCures Eco Art Therapy continues to aspire to work with people of all walks of life including both the 'worried well' and those from disadvantaged and marginalised communities such as refugees and asylum seekers, BAME, LGBTQ, women and children, the deaf community, etc.


Environmental arts therapy is a creative, dynamic, nature based therapeutic practice which when distilled is about the human heart and its deep and enduring connection to nature and her cycles. This practical eco psychotherapy approach uses the place, seasons, cycles, varied themes and the materials of nature as its therapeutic medium.

Environmental arts therapists use an integrative arts approach including creating art, making art with natural materials, drama therapy, role-play, poetry and story telling. The use of bodywork through movement, rhythm, sound and voice are also all used to invite encounters in and with nature.


At this time of ecological crisis, economic contraction and now global pandemic, the transition to earth-based wisdom has never been so urgent and so vital. Learning from ancient and our indigenous cultures who live sustainably on the earth and who understand the interconnectedness of all things, this project endeavours to put into living practice that we, humans being are an integral part of the whole and our engaging with the land is fundamental to the planet’s, humanity’s and our individual survival.


Environmental Arts Therapy (EAT) is a newly emerging and rapidly growing field which can gently but powerfully support this urgently needed change in perspective and in human consciousness.

EAT and Creative Arts Therapies typically utilise playful, in-the-moment, grounded and compassionate means to help transform the struggle of despair and experiences of overwhelm, apathy and loss. EAT and Creative Arts Therapies seek to support and develop emotional and psychological stamina that is crucial in navigating and sustaining through these times and through these experiences.



Indigenous people urge us to change the 'dream' of the modern world of over-consumption since this is driving the eradication of the rainforests across the world. We are living in a trance that is threatening the wellbeing of all life on earth and we need to the roots of this human destructiveness.

By supporting this project you are helping make a case for a new and innovative approach, one which will support the repair and restoration of both people and land.  


The project would at every possible opportunity seek to re-wild, regenerate, mentor and inspire people to understand how they are part of the planet.

Part of the wellbeing woodland dream would be to build a straw bale workshop for 'bringing the outdoors in', and for indoor art making when the weather is too inclement. The project would also house several compost loos for essential comforts and for teaching how 'poop belongs in the loop!' 


ArtCures Eco Art Therapy would love for you to be a part of the birthing of this wildly transformative woodland. Please take a look at the many rewards being offered, and be a part of creating this venture and make a pledge. 

Equally important is to spread the word. Any help through social media or even by word of mouth would be massively appreciated. I will be posting on Facebook and Instagram over the next few weeks, see links below. It would be great if you could follow me and share news of this exciting project with your friends and family.

Yours excitedly,

Michelle x

Facebook: @ArtCuresArtTherapy&EcoArtTherapy

Facebook: @wellbeingwoodland 

Instagram: Chel_devon

NB. Once the project is established it is Wild Possibilities intention to tithe a minimum of ten per cent of all it's profits to Treesisters.org.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£12 or more

Wellbeing Walk

A wild invitation to a wellbeing walk, a mindful and restorative walk in a small group of no more than six in beautiful locations near to or within Plymouth. Parts of the walk will be in silence.

£10 or more

Raffle Entry

Every pledge of £10 or more will be entered into a raffle with a selection of wonderful prizes generously donated from supportive businesses and individuals. The joint first prizes are a meal for two at the fabulous Cosmic Kitchen, vegan restaurant, Plymouth and a voucher for dinner at the acclaimed Leaping Salmon Pub, Tavistock both to the value of £40. The plentiful array of other kindly donated prizes will be featured @WellbeingWoodland on fb.

£15 or more

Art as a Therapeutic Experience

Pledge £15 or more for a 1.5 hour session of art as a therapeutic experience on Zoom. Join me and a select few for a creative, expressive and playful experience of art as therapy.

£20 or more

Founding Member Reward

Pledge £20 or more to be listed as one of one of Wild Possibilities Wellbeing Woodland's Founding Members. You will be featured on a supporters page on our soon to be created website as well as on our social media page @wellbeingwoodland on facebook. I would be eternally grateful if you could tell all your friends to donate £10 or more for #wildpossibilitieswellbeingwoodland.

£25 or more

Expressive Outdoor Painting

An inspirational and colourful day on the coast or on Dartmoor aimed at freeing up your approach to painting and drawing and encouraging an intuitive response to the landscape. All levels of artistic ability welcome. Moderate fitness required. Some art materials will be provided however you will need a sketchpad.

£30 or more

Sacred Path & Animal Medicine Card Reading

Pledge £30 or more for a Sacred Path and Animal Medicine Card reading. The cards, by Jamie Sams and David Carson, are a unique system of guidance and self discovery which draw on the strength and beauty of indigenous native american spiritual tradition. Enjoy a Zoom reading with Michelle who has been reading the cards for two decades.

£35 or more

Eco Art Therapy Group Session

Pledge £60 to join a small group of six people for an eco art therapy session on the wilds of Dartmoor. Be transformed as we immerse ourselves in the restorative, heart full process of environmental arts therapy. Limited to the first twenty four people.

£40 or more

Your own tree

Pledge £40 or more to receive a tree to plant on the land. Experts will be on hand to help with the planting at a community celebration once the purchase is completed (estimated October 2021)!!

£50 or more

Celebration Campfire

Pledge £50 or more to join us for a celebration of our achievement around the campfire. Participate in singing, drumming, dancing and storytelling. Refreshments will be included and social distancing regulations will be observed.

£75 or more

Limited Edition Print

A limited edition, signed colour print of Michelle's artwork. Choice of two, sized 27 x 32cms approximately. Featured on Facebook@wellbeingwoodland page.

£100 or more

Your own copse

Pledge £100 or more to receive six trees to plant on the land. Experts will be on hand to help with the planting at a community celebration on the land once the purchase is completed (estimated October 2021)!!

£250 or more

Sponsor a School Eco Art Day

Sponsor a school class to join in an active and creative Eco Art Day. Michelle (BAAT & HCPC Registered Art Therapist) will provide materials and inspiration for connection and art making outdoors or through bringing the outdoors in!

£300 or more

Creativity, Imagination & Leadership Day

An away day for staff teams and services spent re-kindling the fire of creativity, imagination and leadership. Using nature, art making and each other as our guides with time spent both indoors and outdoors.

£500 or more

Business Patron Reward

Pledge £500 or more to become a patron of Wild Possibilities Wellbeing Woodland and feature as a sponsor on our website, marketing material and in our events. You will also receive a personalised thank you video. Your donation will provide a specialist placement in the wellbeing woodland for art therapy trainees, supporting them on a weekly basis with a rare opportunity to develop knowledge and expertise in this advancing field.

£1,000 or more

The Prestigious Unparalleled Pledge Reward

£1000 or more! The Prestigious Unparalleled Pledge Reward. A hundred thousand blessings! I cannot thank you enough but please get in touch and I can try! A choice of an enchanting walking tour to one of South Hams most secret and spectacular beaches with sea swim and picnic included.

£2,500 or more

Lifelong Membership Reward

Pledge £2,500 or more and become an exclusive lifelong member of our beautiful wellbeing woodland and receive unique access to the wood on special membership days arranged throughout the year. Terms and conditions will apply.

Show your support

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