We connect the people of Sussex to its past through the places around them, inspiring new futures with the stories of those who have gone before. We maintain and open historic properties and gardens to the public; we hold collections, libraries and museums which inspire visitors and acclaimed research around the world; our education services reach over 20,000 children every year.
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Total raised so far £13,925
+ est. £2295.00
0Our history plays such an important role in our understanding of the modern world and our communities’ wellbeing within it.
Sussex has a long and fascinating past that includes Romans, Tudors and radical philosophers. Founded in 1846, the Sussex Archaeological Society is one of the UK’s oldest archaeological and historical societies and we invite you to play an active part in the preservation of our human story.
By making a donation, you will help keep the heritage of Sussex safe and accessible to inspire generations to come.
- At our sites, visitors can add their footsteps to thousands of years' worth of history.
- In our gardens, people can disconnect from the chaos of the modern world.
- Our collections, library and publications support internationally acclaimed research.
- Our museums house extensive collections spanning pre-history to the modern era.
- Our education services reach over 20,000 children every year.
Our portfolio of fascinating properties and tranquil gardens have borne witness to the passing of centuries and millennia. From in situ mosaics at Fishbourne Roman Palace and imposing medieval architecture at Lewes Castle, to Tudor charm at Michelham Priory House and the mystical allure of the Long Man of Wilmington on the South Downs, it is our mission to connect you with this extraordinary past through opportunities to explore, learn and be inspired.
But we cannot continue to do any of this without your help. We are funded entirely by visitors, membership fees and voluntary donations. And in order to protect the Sussex past into the future, we need your support today.
Support our Sussex Guardians Appeal 2024 and you'll be helping to safeguard some of Sussex's most beloved heritage properties. Donate to the general Sussex Guardians Appeal, or, if you have a particular love for one of our heritage properties, you can donate directly to the property you want to support below.