Save Yorkshire Health and Sport

Sheila Dhalla profile

Project by Sheila Dhalla

Save Yorkshire Health and Sport

Total raised £1,275

raised so far



Please join me and make a difference? Every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much

The Problem We Are Facing

The recent government-mandated closure to Yorkshire Health and Sport charity has brought on significant economic challenges as we have been reliant on foot traffic, academy coaching, school services, pitch hires, leagues and tournaments to survive pre-Covid-19. Without government support, we struggle with payments for operational services including rent payments, wages, refunding Easter bookings and grants due to the inability to deliver programs during this period. As a non-profit organisation, we will not survive these closures if we cannot sustain these overheads without relief support for local community charities. Our staff have lost their livelihoods overnight, are cut off from family, and many struggle to make ends meet. 

As a local community charity, you can empathise with us in these challenging times, that are changing lives and livelihoods. We are exceedingly concerned for our future which will have a detrimental effect on the local community. 

Yorkshire Health and Sport (YHS) has worked hard to build an all-round community charity that provides all-encompassing facilities and provisions to promote community participation in healthy recreation. Our setup costs and investment to bring us to where we are were substantial, and what we have managed to do in a relatively short space of time has been significant. 

Our Impact

Our impact on the community’s health and well-being has been huge, and without this service there will be a huge loss, financially and on the communities themselves. YHS enhances the quality of life of youth, people with disabilities, financial hardship or social circumstance through successful programs that support good health for people of all abilities, ages, socio‐economic backgrounds, and ethnicities, and are inclusive to families and friends. The majority of our work serves the communities that need us the most and YHS takes pride in empowering our participants in their daily lives and creating a positive enduring effect on self-efficacy, healthindependence and overall well-being.

How You Can Save Us

In response, YHS has launched a Save Yorkshire Health & Sport Fund. The fund provides support for small community charities facing acute and immediate financial difficulty or a crisis that is impacting their capacity to complete their operational financial obligations.

Our community and our staff are the soul of our charity and it’s our duty to empower them. We require both financial resources, and advice on how to handle current cash flow problems given the pressing and evolving situation. Any support would be hugely welcomed.

Today, I ask you to support the future of our local community charity as we overcome this unprecedented challenge. When life returns, YHS is going to be needed in the community more than ever, people will need places to go to improve physical health and emotional health too. We can’t let Covid 19 – beat YHS. We are determined to survive, to retain our dedicated team and to get back on track as soon as possible so we need your help urgently.

We must survive, please help us in our fight.

Will you help us survive?

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