QueerAF's LGBT+ History Month crowdfunder

by QueerAF in Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

QueerAF's LGBT+ History Month crowdfunder

Total raised £2,262

£5,000 target 21 days left
45% 59 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 1st March 2025 at 11:59pm

QueerAF, the UK’s beloved queer newsletter and largest advocate of queer creatives, needs your help to stay strong and fighting for you

by QueerAF in Margate, Kent, United Kingdom

The short version

In an age of Trump and Musk trying to take away our liberties and filter our content, we need your help to cut through the noise. We’ve also been hit by business tax rises, inflation and increasing costs. Your support will help us continue providing a vital service for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Information is a tool for liberation, and it shouldn’t be a luxury, so this crowdfunder will keep QueerAF’s newsletter free for everyone as well as allowing us to invest in marginalised creatives and critical investigative journalism. 

Why help QueerAF? 

At QueerAF, we're different. We're the UK's only LGBTQIA+ publisher that’s both registered non-profit and press regulated.

We know all too well how terrible so many of the mainstream media titles have been to our community. Even some of the gay press have been captured by a focus on clickbait and profits over community. At QueerAF, as well as reinvesting all of our revenue on our mission to 'change the newsroom, to change the country,' we've been investing in news and queer journalists in a way no other UK gay media has.

We deserve better, and at QueerAF we’re not only modelling the change we want to see, but we’re working in and with the media so it better represents us. There’s a better way for our LGBTQIA+ community to be seen, heard and celebrated in the media, and we’re making sure it’s going to happen.


Why do we need your help now?

  • The recent budget increased the cost burden on small businesses, disproportionately, increasing our tax bill.
  • The changes in the Meta and X algorithms have made it harder to build our audience, gather news, and fight against hate our community faces.  
  • We're committed to paying queer creatives as our number one value - we won’t compromise on this.
  • Other parts of the gay media have moved away from news and investigations leaving a vast gap in the information our community is getting.
  • The mainstream media is actively harming our community, spreading misinformation and failing to tackle the issues and joys in our lives with justice.


We’ll level with you

We go over and above our community interest company regulation and publish our income and outgoings. So this is our reality:

  • Though all our creatives are paid, and our part time staff on proper industry rates, our founder and only full-time staff member is on less than minimum wage, and delivers QueerAF on a shoestring budget.
  • We have a long-term sustainable model, but with this modest additional investment now, we’ll be able to double down our efforts on securing the future.


How we’re delivering change for our community

Community media means delivering for the community. We’ve set out our full detailed list of achievements in the last year below (a preview of our annual transparency report.)

But here is the TL;DR of what our small but mighty publisher has achieved in just three years without the profits and developed audiences the UK’s legacy gay media have:

  • Invested in, mentored, paid and published over 100 marginalised queer creatives. Six in ten of these are from a gender-diverse background, three in ten with disabilities.
  • Launched Trans+ History Week to end the pernicious lie that being gender diverse is a modern contagion, with nationwide campaigns declaring that ‘We’ve Always Been Here, and Always Will Be’, hybrid events and international national media coverage.
  • Been recognised by the World Health Organisation as a crucial part of the response to the Global North MPOX break out, delivering community journalism and holding the government to account 
  • Launched the careers of journalists and audio producers by directly facilitating bylines and commissions with national media like Virgin Radio and the Metro.
  • Championed grassroots news, investigated the NHS, exposed government failures and set news agendas for the UK LGBTQIA+ news that matters most to the community, not for clicks. 

If that’s what we can achieve on a shoe-string, imagine what more we can do with proper funding?

In the last year alone, our investigations have exposed: 


What we’ll do with this crowdfunding:

  • Balance the books for our anticipated outgoing costs, like rising tax, so we can continue to deliver our award-winning newsletter and podcast
  • Invest in even more marginalised LGBTQIA+ creatives, mentoring, training and commissioning them
  • Develop deeper connections with the mainstream media so we can create talent pipelines that help change who shapes the UK's newsrooms.
  • Deliver more investigative journalism, to expose transphobia and LGBTQIA+ prejudices in the UK’s highest offices of power. 


The receipts: The QueerAF impact report

As part of our regulation, we deliver a report to the community interest company regulator to show how we've used our organisation's revenue to deliver in the interests of our community. This is what queer media, that reinvests in it's community does: 

Everything we've achieved in the last year.

  • Worked with 67 LGBTQIA+ creatives who have received paid commissions, writing skills sessions, mentoring, and, in some cases, equipment they can use to further their career using the hardware. One said, “I loved the encouragement to keep going and pushing me to complete something I had only dreamed about”.

  • Supported Trans+ History Week CIC to launch as a social enterprise, formalise its structure, deliver it's event, content and production, and gain international acclaim as our first official launchpad project. Together we:
    • Published, paid and mentored 30 Trans+ creatives
    • Ran multiple in-person, hybrid and online events to educate, inform and entertain the LGBTQIA+ with lessons from Trans+ history
    • Reached 1 in 6 people in the UK with a pro-bono agency-led outdoor billboard campaign that platformed our creative's work on acclaimed national advertising spaces, including Outernet London, Westfield locations and by Wembley Stadium.
    • Inspired vast media output about transgender history in both the mainstream press and massive social media accounts
  • We relaunched our podcast for another season, extending our mentoring support from journalism back into the audio industry, and facilitated multiple creatives receiving national radio bylines on Virgin Radio Pride.

  • All the creatives who produced the podcast were bought and given professional radio equipment for them to deliver this. They got to keep this so they can use them as a freelancer, reducing the equipment barriers some creatives face getting into the industry.

  • We remained the only LGBTQIA+ publisher to publish contributor data and spending amounts to the public as part of our mission to be transparent about how our media and publishing work happens.

  • We remain the only LGBTQIA+ publisher to be both registered as a non-profit and be independently regulated by both press regulatorIMPRESS and the CIC regulator.

  • Produced a documentary podcast for The Love Tank CIC and National Aids Trust about the history of PrEP in the UK and the lessons learned from the advocacy behind that significant shift in HIV prevention. We also ran a live event for the series, with a panel of experts and community questions which was held at, and supported the Common Press Bookshop.

  • Published multiple exclusive journalistic investigations which set queer media agendas and galvanised action in the community by providing unique insights into transgender healthcare issues in the UK.

  • Delivered our partnership with Inclusive Journalism Cymru to run a dedicated series of think pieces as part of a unique set of Queer Gaze commissions which began in November 2023. Three Welsh creatives benefitted from mentoring, training and published content.

  • Ran content for LGBT+ History Month, which saw three creatives deliver a special series of content, that was cross-published with the official organisation and based on their research about the lessons learned from their named history icons. All received payment mentoring and were published in multiple formats.

  • Ran a special content series for Black History Month, with esteemed activist Jason Jones as a guest editor, who provided additional mentoring on top of the support we provide to four black creatives. All were paid and received published commissions, investing in an incredibly marginalised section of the LGBTQIA+ community in the creative industries.

  • Ran a successful membership campaign to fund a team of queer creatives to run our editorial and social media output matched and funded by the Public Interest News Foundation in June, with additional drives in May and November.

  • Our founder and director delivered and took part in multiple industry panels to share our expertise and platform LGBTQIA+ creatives, as well as facilitating payment for this work, in different spaces including at Acast Pride, LGBT+ Consortium’s AGM and university lectures.

  • Worked with other queer creative and non-profit organisations to support their output, and deliver additional commissions for our creatives, including with What The Trans and Diva Magazine.

  • Hired a non-binary creative to develop our audiences and bring more lived experience to the team as a freelancer who works part-time with us.
  • Reached a membership base of 350+ recurring paying members who fund our non-profit’s work and 6000+ newsletter readers who use our platform to understand LGBTQIA+ news.


Or enter custom amount


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

14 of 25 claimed

We've Always Been Here - £50

A limited edition enamel badge from our launchpad project Trans+ History Week, an 'I Am #QueerAF' badge, plus your first year of QueerAF membership for free

£10 or more

Supporter - £10

Chip in a tenner, and get a personal thank you note emailed to you (plus claim your first month of QueerAF membership for free)

£25 or more

5 of 50 claimed

Badge of honour - £25

Exclusive 'I am #QueerAF' badge, as styled by Sir Ian McKellen (see the rewards on this page), plus claim your first three months of QueerAF membership for free

£100 or more

0 of 10 claimed

Sub-editor - £100

Cover the cost of a Queer Gaze: Commission a writer, contribute to the QueerAF content fund and join one of our unique retrospective sessions as a sub-editor

£175 or more

0 of 10 claimed

Editor - £175

Be listed as an honorary editor of a newsletter edition, plus all the perks of a QueerAF Editor tier membership for your first year.

£1,000 or more

0 of 3 claimed

Queer Gaze Champion - £1000

Cover the costs of Queer Gaze scheme for ten weeks. It's our key offer to emerging writers that sees them get commissioned, a portfolio piece and a writing skills session with a sub-editor. In return, get a lifetime membership to QueerAF.

£1,750 or more

0 of 3 claimed

Newsletter Champion - £1750

Cover the costs of our newsletter journalist for ten weeks and keep the newsletter free for those who can't afford it. In return, get a lifetime membership and be named as honorary editor of the newsletter for all ten editions.

£5,000 or more

0 of 1 claimed

Change the media landscape

You recognise what we're doing with our (more than a) newsletter is worthwhile, deliverable and achievable - but only with your support. Deliver QueerAF's whole goal, get a lifetime membership, and change the media landscape by ensuring our not-for-profit queer media outlet thrives in 2025.

Show your support

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