New stretch target
Our first stretch target will purchase line markings for the phase 2 - 4 children in the large playground.
We want to create an exciting and purposeful playground for our children and community by raising £8,500
by Friends of PSCA in Plymouth, England, United Kingdom
Our first stretch target will purchase line markings for the phase 2 - 4 children in the large playground.
We are raising money to completely transform the playground at Plymouth School of Creative Arts! We have noticed a real need for children to be climbing, exploring and taking risks in a safe way. With the money raised, we will be able to create an exciting, purposeful and developmental outside space for our children and community.
Stage one of the project was to create a series of engaging activities using line markings on the floor (Completed May 2018) and a purposeful storage solution (Nov 2018)
We are now at a point where stage two is possible - we have already raised £15,051.30 through PTFA fundraising and a grant from the Co-op Community Fund. We now need to raise a further £8,500.
Once we hit our target, any additional money pledged will support the third stage of development which will focus on the larger playground which caters for children in Phases 2, 3 and 4.
As seen in the new 3D designs, the money raised will allow us to create:
1. A permanent large climbing structure
2. A series of low trail activities
3. A multi-purpose central area
4. An enclosed area for each studio
5. New outdoor resources e.g. sand pit, water trays
The playground is used by up to 210 children aged 3-7 each day but currently does not have a permanent play provision. As well as being used by our children daily, Plymouth School of Creative Arts is also a community hub which is open to many different community groups outside of school hours, 7 days a week. Enhancing this space will greatly improve education, well-being and life chances for our children and the wider community.
Click on the pledge button to donate as much you can!
Please also share our Crowdfund link with friends, family and businesses!
There is ample research promoting the importance of physical activity and purposeful playtimes, not only to combat child obesity (HM Government, 2016), but it is also found that play activities are linked with a range of improvements in academic skills, attitudes and behaviour (Gill, 2014). Development of these skills and behaviours have long-reaching effects on students future attainment and achievement and their contribution to society and future employment. Sadly, research also demonstrates that children are now spending less time in outdoor environments (HM Government 2014).
This project will allow children to have regular access to activities which offer them a chance to learn, explore and grow in a safe environment not only during the school day but outside of school hours with their parents. The playground space is available for use immediately after school for approx 45mins before its use switches to our after-school club which enables parents in the community to continue their careers.
We are the Parents, Teachers, and Friends Association (PTFA) of Plymouth School of Creative Arts which is a 3-16 mainstream, city centre, all-through school in Millbay, Plymouth. We are a registered charity who works collaboratively developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and the community associated with the school, engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school and advance the education of the pupils.
Ofsted visited our school in January 2019 and based on their inspection report, have placed us into the ‘special measures’ category. The Early Years section of the school also received ‘requires improvement’. The report specifically mentions the outdoor space as a priority for development.
The area of Millbay has seen considerable regeneration over the last 5 years very much lead by the building of the school in the area which now serves as a central community hub for families and the local community. The school is open to many different community groups outside of school hours, 7 days a week, including Plymouth Performing Arts Academy, Plymouth Art Weekender, Spanish classes, Fit and Fed, Exim dance, Plymouth Dance, Christ Redeemer Church and the headquarters for the LGBT Pride in Plymouth group. All of whom will benefit from the improved outside space. We are also in talks with Grow Stonehouse, where there is potential to offer a Saturday morning gardening club.
The playground is highly visible from outside the school grounds and is surrounded by both residential properties and businesses. Improving the aesthetics of the playground will assist the regeneration of the area, improving the visual aspect and feel for local residents, giving both the children and community a sense of ownership and pride.
Our school is based in Millbay and Stonehouse, an area ranked number 2 of 39, where 1 is the most deprived neighbourhood in the city (Plymouth City Council, 2016). This area is in the top 20 areas of social deprivation in the UK. The area has a higher rate of deprivation than the Plymouth average in relation to all areas of deprivation, such as crime and disorder, education and skills, and employability. Rates of antisocial behaviour is nearly 3 x higher than the Plymouth City average (Plymouth City Council 2016).
The Millbay and Stonehouse Action plan 2006-2021 objectives include improvements to local services such as educational, health, community facilities, open space and recreation (Plymouth City Council, 2006).
Below: What the playground will look like by Summer 2019 when our Crowdfund target is reached!
Below: Playground April 2019.
Below: What the playground will look like by Summer 2019 when our Crowdfund target is reached!
Gill, T., (2014) The Play Return: A review of the wider impact of play initiatives.
Children’s Play Policy Forum.
HM Government., (2014) Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment:
HM Government., (2016) Childhood Obesity: a plan for action.
Plymouth City Council., (2006) Local Development Plan: Millbay and Stonehouse area action plan 2006 - 2021. Online
Plymouth City Council., (2016) Area Profile: Stonehouse Neighbourhood (
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