At One Step Borders we work with teenagers and young adults in the Scottish Borders, aged 16 to 25. Our services cover a wide range of mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, low mood, unwanted behaviours, phobias, relational issues, grief and loss.
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Total raised so far £9,194
+ est. £1355.75
5We provide much needed support, information and advocacy for young people's mental health as part of our mission to ensure young people int he Scottish Borders have access to free quality support at a crucial time in their lives.
1 in 4 young people are diagnosed with a mental illness - that's 2500 here in the Scottish Borders - many more struggle without diagnosis.
Waiting times for other support are in excess of 21 weeks, with some waiting as long as a year.
Rural isolation in the Scottish Borders is a significant and compounding factor.
We have been running since 2015 and our current funding allows us to facilitate 97 hours per week of support hours, seeing 76 young people on average.
The cut in funding we are facing drops those hours to 42, with us then able to see 23 young people LESS each week.
Our capacity to support young people in the Scottish Borders will drop by 23 per week, even though our waiting list consistently sits with around 12 people waiting for support.
Last year we supported 251 referrals through 1054 support sessions with 5 members of staff.
We need to raise £5000 to ensure the sustainability of our service.
1 support session costs on average just under £50.