We're still collecting donations
On the 30th September 2019 we'd raised £890 with 29 supporters in 36 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
We want to raise funds to secure the future of National Hate Crime Awareness Week uniting communities to say NO PLACE for HATE in the UK.
On the 30th September 2019 we'd raised £890 with 29 supporters in 36 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
We want to raise funds to secure the future of National Hate Crime Awareness Week and keep bringing people together across the UK to say NO TO HATE CRIME, encourage hate crime reporting, whilst we strive to make our communities safer for everyone to live in peace and harmony with each other.
That is why we use the hash tags #WeStandTogether #NoPlaceForHate and #SafePlaceForAll.
National Hate Crime Awareness Week aims to encourage local authorities (police and councils), key partners and communities affected by hate crime to work together to tackle local hate crime issues.
We coordinate the national week. We raise funds to create resources that we distribute to groups so that they can raise awareness of hate crime and signpost local advice and support services.
We know that there are people who have been affected by hate crime who are suffering alone and we want to make sure they know the whole of the country stands in solidarity with them.
NationalHCAW is about uniting communities and sharing a message of #HOPE across the UK.
H.O.P.E. stands for raising Hate crime awareness, improving Operational responses to hate crime, Preventing hate crime and Empowering communities affected by hate crime.
NationalHCAW takes place between the second and third Saturday in October each year. This year the week takes place between the 12th - 19th October.
The week condemns all forms of hate and prejudice targeted against people on the basis of them being a member or perceived to be a member of alternative subcultures, having a disability, because of their faith, gender identity, race or sexual orientation.
The week evolved out of a movement to prevent hate crime, inspired by the London Vigils against Hate Crime held between 2009 to 2012, after the death of Ian Baynham.
Ian Baynham's Sister
"After the tragic death of my brother Ian, National Hate Crime Week has become a special time of remembrance for me and those who were close to him.
The service in the iconic St Paul’s Cathedral gives us the chance to personally remember and share with others who may have been affected by such crimes. The week raises awareness of all forms of hate crime but for me particularly relating to the LGBTQI community and the devastating impact “Hate Crime” can have on those affected and those who fear it.
It’s also and opportunity to focus and reflect on hope for the future and individual’s responsibility to never engage in discriminating behaviour which so easily can escalate into serious assaults on life. A time to reflect."
Nik Moore's sister
"Following the loss of my brother Nik and his lovely friends and all those that where injured in 1999 at the Admiral Duncan, Soho.
We as a family attend, the annual Service of Hope and Remembrance at St. Paul's Cathedral, and other events, every year. We, as well as our friends that come with us, realise the need to increase awareness of this, and share our experiences. As hate has no place in our world , regardless of nationality, colour, gender or religion.
Mark has done an exhausting amount of work to better the community, and people have come from various walks of life to share their experiences, this all helps to aid the healing process for us and we try to help others by sharing our experiences.
Support for this is growing, however we could always do with more support to spread the message even further. There is a definite need for these events, we now have events in many parts of the country, which also includes my home county of Suffolk. i helped to create 'Suffolk Hate Crime Awareness' at Suffolk college in Ipswich. and more recently held a service at Bury St. Edmunds Cathedral. Keep up the good work Mark we are with you."
Carolyn talks about the impact of losing her brother Nik Moore in this piece on Newsnight marking the 20th anniversary of these attacks this year.
Conservative Party, Prime Minister
"National Hate Crime Awareness Week helps make people aware of the harm and fear that hate crime can cause, not just to individual victims but to whole communities. However, it also demonstrates that communities are working in partnership to combat hate crime and support those who have been targeted."
Labour Party, Leader of the Opposition
"The work of hate crimes awareness week in bringing together so many community and faith events across the country is an vital example of demonstrating that this country expects better. It is particularly encouraging that the number of activities held throughout the week continues to grow and I would like to pass on my best wishes to all of those involved in making the week a success."
Liberal Democrats
"Everyone has the right to be who they are, without fear of abuse, intimidation or violence. Our nation is a rich tapestry of different identities. It is our duty to ensure that every person, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexuality, nationality, age or disability, is treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. We must fight back against divisive, far right rhetoric, which sets community against community, undermining the core values of our country."
Green Party
"We will continue to support National Hate Crime Awareness Week, and the important work that it does for so many people."
Mayor of London
"National Hate Crime Awareness Week not only helps people understand the pernicious impact hate crime can have on individuals and communities, but also provides us all with the opportunity to demonstrate that we will not tolerate hate crime against anyone in London or across the UK. It allows us to show how communities are working in partnership to challenge those who would seek to divide us, and to support those who are targeted simply because of who they are."
Links to more letters of support are available in the archive section on our website here.
Whilst we have funding from MOPAC for London, we still have no national funding for the rest of the country - which is holding us back from making the national progress we want to make with our No Place For Hate Campaign.
This is why we are asking for your donations to empower us to crack on with the work that needs to be done.
The more money we can raise, the more resources we can order and make available to support hundreds of groups and organisations across the UK.
We know from our research that only 129 out of 402 councils 33.59% create their own anti-hate crime resources.
We know, from working alongside people and organisations organising hate crime awareness events that having access to anti-hate crime resources is vital to their success.
It also helps signpost and promote advice and support organisations to those affected by hate crime so they know where to turn to for help.
Over the past ten years we have raised small pots of funding to design, produce and distribute over 80,000 hate crime reporting cards, 10,000 hate crime information leaflets, 60,000 Badges, 45,000 wristbands, 5,000 mugs and 50,000 t-shirts across London. We also received limited funding to share resources across the UK.
With your generous support we want to produce and distribute 10,000 hate crime reporting cards,10,000 t-shirts, 20,000 badges and 20,000 wristbands this October.
We are hoping that those organisations who can afford to purchase resources will submit pledges and benefit by claiming the reward packs 3, 4 or 5.
We are looking for a suitable organisation to sponsor the national week next year.
We will continue to develop free PDF posters and leaflets that can be downloaded from our website here and share other organisation's resources as well.
In 2017 we had funding which enabled us to conduct our first national piece of research, submitting a hate crime freedom of information request to every council in the UK to get a base-line understanding of what they are doing to tackle hate crime. We would like to repeat this research.
In 2012, 79 councils took part in the first National Hate Crime Awareness Week #NHCAW, 83 councils took part in 2013, 112 in 2014, 141 in 2015, 182 in 2016 and 211 in 2017***. We need your support to keep this momentum going.
Read more about this research on our blog here.
In an emergency always call the police 999, they are best placed to respond to emergency situations. If it is not an emergency you can call them on 101.
You can report hate crime online at www.report-it.org.uk.
We encourage people to report the hate crime they are experiencing so that we map what is happening and work together to tackle local incidents of hate crime.
We believe that every council around the UK has a significant role to play in providing access to information on their websites. Looking at the results of our research above we want to encourage them to:
information about reporting hate crime is available here.
We used the freedom of information responses to create a Google Map (image shown above) showing all the council websites around the UK with a cross or a tick indicating whether or not they display hate crime information.
Since 2015 we have created Google Maps to document hate crime events and activities taking place around the UK.
And you can see the current Google Map 2019 view here.
This year Jersey are holding a hate crime awareness campaign to coincide with National Hate Crime Awareness Week.
In the long term, we hope that our national week will be adopted in other countries as well.
Each year we inspire people to organise thousands of hate crime awareness events around the country and we encourage the organisers to register them with us so that we can add markers to the Google Maps above.
You can register your events here.
For more information about planning your national week view the national website www.nationalhcaw.uk.
The first London Vigil against Hate Crime** #LondonVAHC (30th October 2009) organised by 17-24-30, was attended by over 10,000 people including the Prime Minister's wife Sarah Brown.
Comedian and TV Presenter
"Today we stand up for Ian" and proclaimed it the first International Day of Hope and Remembrance for those affected by hate crime #IntDOHAR. The international day now takes place on the first Sunday during the national week each year.
Founder of 17-24-30 NationalHCAW
"What we do is provide an opportunity for communities to come together, to remember those we have lost and stand in solidarity with those who have had their lives changed forever by acts of hatred.
We have a duty to stand up and counter hate with love, with friendship, with kindness, showing that we are part of a larger movement striving for our communities to live in peace and harmony with each other.
I hope the legacy of our work is to bring communities together and change people's lives forever with acts of love and kindness."
The volunteer team meet regularly on Tuesday afternoons in a flat in South London where we plan, work on and deliver the national week.
We are hoping to raise funds quickly enough to place orders for resources to be delivered by the first week of October, giving us a week to repack and distribute them to those waiting to use them.
We will need help to do this.
If you are interested in joining our team - get in touch.
* Ian Bayham died after being homophobically abused and beaten in Trafalgar Square, London. James Parkes survived being viciously assaulted in an homophobic attack in Liverpool.
** The London Vigils against Hate Crime took place in Trafalgar Square between 2009 to 2012. The first vigil was attended by over 10,000 people and over 29,000 people shared details of the event over social media.
*** Figures based upon the findings from our National Hate Crime Freedom of Information Research conducted in 2017.
**** 17-24-30 takes the first part of its name from the dates of the three nail bomb attacks targeted against the Black, Asian and Gay communities of Brixton, Brick Lane and Soho (17th, 24th and 30th April 1999) and the second part of its name NationalHCAW from National Hate Crime Awareness Week. The charity organises the April Acts of Remembrance #AAR to commemorate the anniversaries of the London Nail Bomb attacks each year.
***** 17-24-30 National Hate Crime Awareness Week was registered by the Charity Commission on the 8th August 2019. Charity Ref: 1184819
For more information visit our national website www.nationalhcaw.uk.
You can also view our NationalHCAW archives and April Acts of Remembrance archives.
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