National study of impact of racism on wellbeing

Daniel Fujiwara profile

Project by Daniel Fujiwara

National study of impact of racism on wellbeing

Total raised £80

raised so far



We are conducting the largest ever study on the impact of racism on wellbeing and mental health in order to influence government policy.


I am an expert in wellbeing measurement from the London School of Economics and having been the victim of racism throughout my life I know first hand how it impacts on people and I want to do something about it. 

However, there are very few robust studies on the impacts of racism on health and wellbeing.

The research study

I would like to conduct the largest ever study of the impact of racism on health and wellbeing in the UK. We will look at the impact of different forms of racism such as physical abuse, verbal abuse, discrimination and micro-aggressions, on a series of wellbeing indicators as well as mental health, physical health and resiliency. 

The study will collect data from a large sample of ethnic minority groups in the UK and will use the highest levels of scientific rigour to show the effect of racism on people's lives. We will also estimate the social costs of racism.

Aims of the research

We plan to publish the results in a public report and also in a leading peer-reviewed academic journal. The report will show for the first time the impacts of all forms of racism on a large range of health and wellbeing indicators.

The research will add important knowledge to our understanding of the effects of racism and we will use the research with Government and public bodies to contribute to the debate and influence policy in this area to make the lives of ethnic minority groups in the UK better.

How we will use the funding

We will use the funding to cover the costs of data collection. All of the authors of the report are doing the research on a pro-bono basis.

Please contribute to this research to help us make the world a better place.


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