Help Greens in Lewes District DEFEAT the Tories

Total raised £3,168

raised so far



We can win enough seats on 4 May to be the LARGEST party on Lewes District Council - the first Green-run local authority outside Brighton!

 New stretch target

If we can raise enough to cover all our costs for this election campaign, we'd love to go further, and raise enough to pay the salary of a part-time political assistant, to help the new enlarged group of Green councillors with press, social media, and research capabilities to support their work

1680358369_crowdfunder_page_pic_2023.jpegIn 2019, we changed local government in Lewes - we won enough council seats to play a leading role in wrestling power away from local Tories and running the District Council in alliance with LibDems, Labour and Independents. 

In 2023, we can go further. We MUST go further. 

We can take Tory seats all over the district - in Seaford, in Chailey, in Newick, Ditchling and Wivelsfield - to keep Greens in the heart of local government in Lewes, and make sure the Tories are where they deserve to be - on the sidelines.

Please fund our campaign to get Zoe, Adrian, Emily, Johnny, Imogen, Wendy, Nick, Paul, Graham, Lucy, Mark, Joa, William, Charlotte, David, Edward, James, Roy, Becky, and Ezra elected this May

The Tories have done enough damage - we need to win seats from them, so that they have no power to wreck or undermine the vital and urgent work that needs to be done to heal our communities, and tackle the climate crisis properly, on a local level.

We urgently need funds for our election campaign - to pay for leaflets, Vote Green signs, and all the necessary kit involved in running a successful grassroots election campaign across - for the first time - the whole district of Lewes.

Please chip in whatever you can, and help us become the largest party on the District Council in these crucial elections on 4th May. 


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