Jigsaws childcare
Jigsaws Childcare is a not-for-profit that has been at the heart of Church Fenton's community for the last 18 years helping hundreds of early years children learn, grow and play. Throughout its time in the community Jigsaws has grown and demand to use our childcare services has also increased. At the moment we are registered for 51 places but with demand for childcare in the community increasing and our aging infrastructure a real strain has been put on Jigsaws which could possibly lead to its closure.
The project
Jigsaws plans to replace its current building introducing a second story made with eco-friendly recycled materials which would increase its capacity and save the business from closure. However, with the current price of housing and materials Jigsaws is unable to fund the project by themselves, this has left Jigsaws with a monumental up hill battle to fund the project costing £600,000 but we are hoping for £150,000 from crowdfunding as we can match it with other pots of funding and a commercial loan. Without help from the community and crowdfunding there is a very real possibility that the not-for-profit won’t be able to offer sustainability in future years. Jigsaws has tried to get funding from local councils and grants so it is absolutely vital that we succeed as without the new build the closure of Jigsaws could be a real possibility.