Frontline enables and supports people with a learning disability and high support needs to live full and productive lives through their activie inclusion within the Brentwood Community.
Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £2,555
+ est. £523.75
1What we do
We offer community-based experiences specifically to people with a learning disability and high support needs who are at risk of being excluded from many of the simple pleasures and experiences of everyday life.
A vital part of Frontline’s role is building acceptance and inclusion for everybody and seeking to develop and nurture a culture that takes community inclusion for granted.
Our Aims
To promote emotional and spiritual growth through mutually supportive friendships, shared experiences and valued roles.
To create initiatives that develop and enhance the practical, social and creative skills that re-define people as active participants in the community, rather than passive recipients of care
Frontline invites people with a learning disability to join our community-based activities within Brentwood and the surrounding area.
Alongside the funding we receive from trust and foundation applications, the local community plays a vital role in providing voluntary donations from generous donors such as clubs, societies, rotaries and individuals. In these challenging times your support is now even more important and we are always incredibly grateful for your help.