Ecargo bike to help us reach Wirral Families

by Wirral Unplugged in Birkenhead, Merseyside, United Kingdom

We did it
On 6th August 2023 we successfully raised £4,006 with 51 supporters in 28 days

Help us include families who can't attend our sessions by funding an e-cargo bike to deliver learning through play boxes on the Wirral

by Wirral Unplugged in Birkenhead, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Wirral Unplugged

5th August 2023

Bike realities and Boxes

We've done it! We've smashed our target with a few hours to spare! Thank you so much for supporting us. It really means a lot that you believe in what we do and want to help out. 

We've put a 'stretch' target for the last day to raise funding for free boxes. These will be available for those on the CAMHS waiting list: approximately 125 children on the Wirral, at any one time, who are waiting for clinical intervention and struggle to engage with community activities/support. 

The Care Navigators have told us these children benefit from our materials:

"Some [children] refuse to leave the house and reasons range from social anxieties, challenges related to diagnosable/as yet undiagnosed neurodiversity or complex factors relating to their wider family environment. We find being able to introduce free home based activities that lead to external activities really helpful to these children. 


"An example would be the space box you kindly donated. This was completed at home and led to the child and family following it up with evening walks to look at the sky, use of a sky scanning app, trips to the library to borrow resources to find out more and extended home-based art activities. We are now talking about moving forward to small art class with this child as a real possibility. We find children are also more environmentally aware and their eco anxiety is real so the fact that your boxes consider these factors really help with encouraging children to use them."  

Thank you for being part of this project (which is really an ecargo bike plus so much more). 



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£15 or more

8 of 30 claimed

£15 Reward

Rosa Kusabbi for Wirral Unplugged bag. Rosa is a local artist with a ton of talent. She personalised this bag for us to represent the kids' favourite weeks.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

Wirral Unplugged Care package: A mix of Wirral Unplugged goodies (such as *apron, *wood spoon, *funky pencil sharpener) + box. We've got limited amounts so the kit might change a bit, but if you give us the person's age and interests, it will help us know what to send!

£250 or more

£250 Reward

We'll come to you (Wirral) to run a 1 hour crafting/ play/ learning session for up to 12 kids (kids must be over 3yrs). Perhaps you have a birthday party coming up, or you're an organisation with HAF funding that you'd like us to deliver a session for! We're happy to come to you and put on an hour of educational fun. We can also tailor this session, so if you're in doubt email us [email protected]

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