We believe that a just world, free from poverty is possible. And we’ll keep fighting until it’s a reality.
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Total raised so far £78,714
+ est. £5632.00
5Comic Relief is a major charity based in the UK which strives to create a just world, free from poverty. Our mission is to drive positive change through the power of entertainment.
Since we first set up shop in 1985, we’ve been doing three main things...
- We raise millions of pounds through our two big fundraising campaigns
- We spend that money in the best possible way to tackle the root causes of poverty and social injustice
- We use the power of our brand to raise awareness of the issues that we care most about.
Over the years we’ve inspired a lot of people who don’t normally ‘do’ charity to, well, do charity. The support we’ve had from so many friends has always blown us away – and still does today. So there you go, that’s us in a nutshell. But if you’d like to find out even more about what we do and why we do it, take a look at the 'your impact' and 'about Comic Relief' sections on our website.
The money raised by Comic Relief is spent to help people live free from poverty, injustice and discrimination. You can find out about this work in our 'what your money does' section.
Comic Relief is the operating name of Charity Projects, registered charity in England & Wales (326568) and Scotland (SC039730).