Christmas Appeal - Interactive Smartboards

Emma Edwards profile

Project by Emma Edwards

Christmas Appeal - Interactive Smartboards

Total raised £7,718

raised so far

+ est. £1052.00 Gift Aid



St. John's CEP School PFA needs to raise a further £15,000 to complete the Interactive Smartboard campaign and be able to buy 6 more boards

Interactive Smartboards Campaign

Over the past 18 months St. John's CEP School PFA and community have been tirelessly fundraising towards purchasing and installing new Interactive Smartboards for all classrooms and to date have successfully raised £37,500 towards this project, purchasing 15 Smartboards, across five year groups and benefitting over 450 children.


Why Rocketfund? What's the urgency?

Sadly, due to Covid, all of our fundraising events since March 2020 have been cancelled, leaving us with a huge gap in funding (£32 left in the bank to be precise!). This has meant we haven't been able to achieve the full fundraising target within the time we had hoped. We need to raise an additional £15,000 as quickly as possible in order to install a further six boards within the Reception and Year One Classrooms, benefiting 180 more children and ensuring the whole school are set up on the new system. This is where Rocketfund comes in and the launch of our 'Christmas Appeal', giving ourselves 8 weeks to raise as much as we can in that time...ambitious but not impossible!

Why Smartboards?

Well, that's a good question and put simply, to ensure teachers and children can learn in a collaborative and interactive way. They help make lessons more engaging and provide opportunities to deliver dynamic lessons. As a bit of background to those new to the school and this campaign, the schools' whiteboards have historically been projector style boards, with the projector attached to the ceiling; these are riddled with problems and no longer fit for purpose. The new Smartboards are replacing decade-old equipment, transforming both the learning and teaching experience at the school.


Our Christmas Appeal...Can you help?

We are acutely aware of the financial pressures people are facing at the moment, but we would like to ask anyone who is able to, to donate and support our campaign. Perhaps this could be the money you would have spent at the school fireworks’ display, our summer fair or the cost of a takeaway coffee. No matter how big or small, every penny makes a difference to our children and the school.

Thank you

Lastly, thank YOU! Without each and every one of you this would not be possible. There’s no denying that this continues to be an incredibly challenging year but on a positive note, recent events have placed a sharp focus on the very valuable role played by the communities surrounding and supporting all of us. We’d like to thank each and every one of you for the friendship and support you continue to offer us and the school community and most importantly, our children.

* Special thanks to Ginger Cat Studios for the images taken at St. John's School

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