Cornwall Pride

2022 is the 50th anniversary of Pride in the UK and with your help we are partnering with Cornwall Pride to bring 11 community Prides to the whole of Cornwall in May, June and July.

Registered charity Cornwall Pride works to bring the entire community together, to support the LGBTQ+ community in one of the most rural parts of the country, to ensure everyone is free to be themselves. Cornwall Pride shifts the focus of Pride from a one weekend/day event to the grassroots, community focused, local Prides that reach the rural towns of Cornwall.

Pride events you can support

Be proud and be seen

Each Pride has a theme selected by the community. These include; Climate Action, Human Rights, Education, Wellbeing, Intersectionality and 50 years of Pride in the UK.

Each theme touches on an aspect of LGBTQ+ and community life that still requires fighting for. Pride is at its heart a protest, and it shows what is important to the Cornish community and gives a platform for these social issues.

A group of students sat in a bookshop studying

As Cornwall Pride is a charity all funds raised will go towards the free community event in your town which are in place to raise funds to create and sustain dedicated LGBTQ+ mental health, educational & peer to peer support right here in Cornwall.

In partnership with

We are supported by these organisations