The YardArts Village

by YardArts in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 10th May 2018 we successfully raised £1,170 with 24 supporters in 56 days

YardArts aims to open a village of creativity and arts, on rented land near Shirehampton.

by YardArts in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

About us:

YardArts is a performing arts organization.  YardArts takes unused areas of the city of Bristol and turns them into hives of creativity. We have also provided over 50 performers with a safe affordable place to live, work and collaborate with other arts practitioners of varying disciplines. Our tag line is Housing creativity.

YardArts is run by the director Mr Christo Machon with 2 other senior members of staff that deal with bookings and administration. 

 YardArts utilises it's artistic tenants to create shows and teach circus workshops, which in turn gives them a platform to display their own work and enjoy the rewards of gainful employment. 

 YardArts has hosted 20 shows from burlesque to children's shows. We are building an audience with nearly 1000 likes on our facebook page and over 500 people reached with our outreach workshops.  

YardArts, is a none prejudicial inclusive organisation with strong ethics on equal rights and opportunities within the work place. We've provided workshops and outreach programmes for groups and organisations with ages ranging from 3 to 50+ from police officers to young adults with challenging behaviour. We have worked with disabled groups of all ages.


The YardArds village will have: an ethical cafe with locally sourced produce, no plastics policy from supplier to table and 0%  food waste. This venue will become a theatre bar for our shows.

A  bespoke tented theatre stage; The YardArts dome has already enjoyed some notarioty locally across Bristol. We will continue to host our shows in our unique geo-dome. 

15 rentable workshops: Each workshop will showcase some aspect of the artistic pallet, be it wood craft, fine   art, silversmith, textile arts, etc...

The living quarters: comfortable living space and facilities for our YardArts team, practitioners and workers at YardArts.

Once The YardArts Village is established, we will expand this further with a rural inclusive tour and workshops for people with high dependency needs, including people with altzimers. 

YardArts goals for the future: 

  •  The Yardarts Village
  • A permanent venue in Bristol 
  • Redevelopment of more locations throughout the city 
  • A rural inclusive tour of the West country and wales. 
  • Regular workshops


Twinkle show reel:

Hexed show reel:

The Last Christmas show reel:

My octopus mind video:

Your funding:

YardArts will rent and transform a vacant piece of land on Penpole lane adjacent to a very busy park into a compendium of arts, craft, physical performance and workshop spaces, included will be a cafe with retail and attractions for visitors, audience and customers (The YardArts Village). This will facilitate for practitioners within the industry, providing for the people of Shirehampton, Bristol and the wider community. We have had audiences travel from all over the country, Europe and further afield! We have engaged children of all ages, needs and abilities, in physical activities. Circus in particular, allows children  to get physical, from juggling and acrobatics to dance and aerial skills. YardArts wants to support up-comming artists in the pursuit of their discipline, we hope to provide them with jobs in the industry and a safe secure place to live, work and create. We intern will, utilise their skills to enrich the lives of our customers. 

We will use your investment to provide the following:

  • Cafe/ visitors centre
  • Workshop spaces
  • Infrastructure - water/ electric
  • Visitors welfare

We just need 3,000 people to donate just £10!  Please donate as much or as little as you like and please share this far and wide! We look forward to seeing you at our future events.

Match funding:

YardArts is applying for funding through other organisations, for some match funding in order to; refurbish our current venue, allowing us to host workshops without having to pay venue hire, keeping the workshop costs as accessible as possible. The match funding  will also allow us to create a new website, allowing people easier access to our services. The new website will enable us to market our events to a much wider audience, allowing adults as well as children access to circus workshops. We would also like to purchase more specialist equipment such as a tight wire and an aerial rig, we will use this to bring aerial to venues that do not have the capacity for rigging. YardArts is also applying for funding from the arts council to help put in welfare and workshop spaces for our tenants, this turnover will support our workshops and outreach events.



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

Free drink

Thank you for your help! Donating 10.00 will get you a voucher for a free drink at our opening show at The YardArts Village.

£20 or more

1 of 50 claimed

Limited rewards

Thank you for your support! Not only will you receive a free drink but you will also get a 20% discount on tickets at our opening show! And 10 YardArts stickers to decorate your house with!

£30 or more

YardArts Stickers!

On top of a free drink, 20% discount on tickets at our opening show. You will also receive 20 YardArts stickers, to stick all over your space! Thank you for your support!

£50 or more

YardArts t-shirts!

On top of vouchers for a drink and 20% off tickets, you'll also receive YardArts stickers, and better yet your very own YardArts t-shirt. Thank you for your help!

£70 or more

Name in lights

Thank you for your support! On top of all the vouchers and stickers, you will get a personalised plaque on the wall at our YardArts Village cafe!

£100 or more

Run away with the circus!

With your drink and ticket voucher, get inspired choose your equipment and enjoy a one on one, 1 and a half hour circus workshop! You can wear your stickers on your shirt when you come. With a plaque in our cafe everyone will see our thanks for your support.

£200 or more

Above and Beyond!

For pledges of over £199.99 you will receive a free drink at our opening show, YardArts stickers, t-shirt, a plaque at our cafe and a circus workshop. You will also receive 2 free tickets to any event at The YardArts Village and mentioned on our website! Finally the eternal gratitude of the YardArts team.

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