An estimated 45% of all pregnancies are unplanned or met with ambivalent feelings, leaving vast numbers of women and men facing difficult, life-changing decisions alone, uninformed and without the emotional support they need. 1 in 3 women will choose to have a termination during their lifetime, 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in miscarriage and each day nine women face giving birth to stillborn babies.
Whatever the circumstances, whatever their choice, we believe every woman and family deserves access to counselling, information and support to empower their choices around crisis pregnancies, process their emotions and overcome any trauma they face.
Winchester Pregnancy Crisis Centre provides free, non-directive and confidential counselling for women and their families in the Winchester area, who are facing an unplanned pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth or post-abortion difficulties. We are a free and independent support service, trusted and referred to by GPs and local services. All our trained counsellors operate within the ethical framework of Pastoral Care UK, of which we are organisational members.
As an independent organisation with no government funding, we rely solely on the support of regular donors and community aid to maintain our service.
Every 'free' hour of much-needed counselling actually costs WPCC £45.
With your help, we can offer women the support they need to overcome past traumas and look to the future with hope.
"I couldn't be more grateful for your help over these last few months. I now have tools and feel strong enough to get myself through the days that may come.”