With additional funding, we can also buy woodland craft equipment like shave-horses as an example, to promote the community to learn and make objects from the wood/ materials harvested from our woodland. We'd also look to renewable energy sources like solar, to power batteries for equipment, boil a kettle and provide lights, all off grid.
Inside the base, we can provide a first aid station which will help Friends of the Fal and other local organisations utilising the facilities to mitigating risks.
Friends of the Fal (FotF) are a not-for-profit Community Woodland Group set in the heart of rural Cornwall,with public access to a Right of Way partly along the River Fal. We came about as a result of Covid and we engage voluntarily with local communities, wildlife organisations, schools and many more, to improve the local native biodiversity, offer access to nature, hold local events and learn new skills like hurdle fence making.
Friends of the Fal is focused on replanting trees and developing a volunteering initiative to provide a variety of task days to improve conservation and public access, as well as offering craft days to inspire the local community.
So far we have planted in excess of 800 trees!
Currently, the volunteers are having to manually wheel carts and wheelbarrows full of tools and equipment along the busy main road to the woodland site each time, work, and then wheel them back again, resulting in a health & safety risk on every occasion.
We need to install a 'base' on site where the tools & equipment can be securely stored in a concealed container. By covering the container in wood and incorporate a living roof, it will allow the structure to blend in with the environment and not detach from the woodland surroundings.
The base will also have a shelter for outdoor working and an area which can be used for the volunteers and public held events. These include woodland crafts and will be open to schools for outdoor learning and other organisations that offer Forest Schools who can all benefit from the facilities. The base will contain amenities such as a first aid unit which contributes to the mitigation of risk assessments for FotF and any other recognised organisation using the storage.
We intend to add to this storage, solar panels so we can harness renewable energy to recharge batteries on equipment and tools, boil a kettle and have lights in the future.
Please help us make a difference