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Help us bring Palestinian artists to the Edinburgh Fringe!
by Welcome to the Fringe in Edinburgh, United Kingdom
We want to raise £30,000 towards a ‘Welcome To The Fringe: Palestine’ project, bringing artists from Palestine to Edinburgh to perform and participate in the biggest arts festival in the world. We also want to form a network of artists and friends who can give those artists help in-kind, mentoring, venue space and guidance.
Ten years ago, Welcome To The Fringe: Palestine brought 10 artists from Palestine to the Fringe. We gave audiences the opportunity to engage with contemporary Palestinian performance, and gave Palestinian Artists the opportunity to perform, to see work and to network. It was a celebration of Palestinian culture and an affirming experience of the power of culture that still touches us today.
In 2025 we want to do it again! It is more important than ever that we host and share in the work of our Palestinian colleagues.
What is Welcome to the Fringe Palestine?
'Welcome to the Fringe: Palestine' is an initiative to bring Palestinian Artists to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe. We want to platform their voices and celebrate Palestinian art and culture, with freedom and without censorship. While here, the project will support them to engage with the festival, meet audiences, see shows, make contacts, make friends, and enjoy the city.
We embrace the lessons in hospitality, culture and liberation that we have learnt from Palestinians, and we hope to bring that spirit to the Festival. Over one week in August 2025, Welcome To The Fringe Palestine will take place in an atmosphere of conviviality. We aim to present up to 16 artists and their work - ranging from poetry, theatre, dance, live art and song. We want to welcome audiences to share in their work. There will be art as well as laughter, music, food, drink, stories, jokes and conversation.
£30,000 sounds like a lot of money - but its realistically what we need in order to cover the following costs:
So, if you would like to hear Palestinian voices at Edinburgh Fringe, please consider donating to this Crowdfunder project. Please spread the word to others who might be able to add financial support to this project.
Who we are, and how else YOU can help...
We are an independent group of Scottish based writers, dancers, theatre-makers, publishers and producers who have worked regularly in Palestine and the wider Middle East over many decades.
We have gained enormously from this cultural exchange and we think Scotland and Scottish audiences have benefited from it too. Now is the time to reciprocate, however we can.
This showcase is being organised voluntarily and we are fundraising from scratch. To make this happen we are going to be reliant on the generosity, skills and solidarity of the many. And so, if you are interested in helping with the ‘Welcome To The Fringe Palestine’ project - in ways other than donating to the crowdfunder - here are some suggestions:
If you would be willing to help with any of these suggestions, please get in touch.
Why Now?
We want to do something, however small it seems, to combat the ongoing dehumanisation and violence against the Palestinian people, and the ongoing censorship, restrictions and barriers placed in the way of Palestinian art.
Above all, Welcome To The Fringe: Palestine, aims to listen and learn from Palestinians.
The Edinburgh Fringe is one of our favourite places in the world. It is a place of welcome and refuge. We want it to be a place where everyone can speak in the open and tell their stories. We want it to be a place where the unheard are finally heard. We hope you feel able to support us in this.
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