by [email protected] in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 20th November 2020 we successfully raised £159,580 with 5172 supporters in 204 days

The combination of a No Deal Brexit and Covid-19 will have a devastating impact on our NHS and our economy. Chip in to stop a No Deal Brexit

by [email protected] in London, England, United Kingdom



This is it. This is our last chance to stop a No Deal Brexit.  

This government has made it clear that they will do anything to avoid getting the deal that they promised was “oven-ready” - even breaking international law. For the sake of our economy, our NHS, and even our lives we are saying no to a No Deal Brexit. We are ready to fight back. 

We have successfully campaigned to stop Boris Johnson’s government from implementing a No Deal Brexit time and again. We will stop No Deal one last time, but with less than a month left of negotiations, we must act now. 

Why is a No Deal Brexit bad for the UK?

For months, the evidence has been stacking up against No Deal Brexit. The government’s own“doomsday document” leaked last month outlines the worst-case scenario of an increasingly likely Covid-19 second wave coinciding with a No Deal Brexit:

  • A “systemic economic crisis” creating mass unemployment, price increases, and shortages.
  • Chaos at the border threaten supplies of food, water, and fuel
  • Crucially during a second wave shortages on medical supplies could overwhelm our NHS

The document predicts such an extensive list of possible horrors that we couldn’t list them all. The impact of a No Deal, whether worst-case or not, will be detrimental to our economy, our NHS and our lives.


How can we stop a No Deal Brexit?

This really is our last chance to stop a No Deal Brexit and we are giving it everything we have got:

  • We will be lobbying MPs, relaunching our hard-hitting letter-writing campaign, and building on our 100,000 person strong petition.
  • Right now we are innovating new ways of taking activism online during this pandemic starting with the biggest pro-European Virtual Action Day ever.
  • From press to advertisements, we will be putting money behind showing the government that people do not want a No Deal Brexit.
  • At a local level, we have tens of thousands of activists around the UK campaigning to influence their MPs and work with local press and businesses to reveal the catastrophic consequences of a No Deal Brexit. 
  • We are building a movement for the future, not just for now. We are investing in training thousands of activists in campaigning methods.

The stakes are higher than they have ever been, and we will be investing in digital methods of lobbying that can make our voice heard, even in the context of COVID. 


The more we raise, the more we can do. 

We can’t do this without you...

We are 100% people-powered and all our work is funded by donations from people like you. We will fight back and challenge the narrative that a No Deal is a “good outcome”. We can cut through the right-wing media machine but only with your support. 


We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

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