Wards Corner Community Plan

by N15 Development Trust in London, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 29th November 2018 we successfully raised £9,230 with 353 supporters in 28 days

Help us to realise our Community Plan for Wards Corner - including community spaces, an improved market, a creche and much more!

by N15 Development Trust in London, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Increased ability to run consultations, meet professional fees and further develop our plans ahead of their submission to the local planning authority.

Since closing in 1972, the Wards Corner department store - an iconic Tottenham landmark - has fallen into disrepair. But beneath its rugged exterior, the Latin Village Market is a thriving community hub.

The market is a vital centre for communities throughout Tottenham, offering not only affordable goods and essential services, but a destination for education, rights and advice, social support and much more to migrants from across London.

Yet the market is under threat: property developer Grainger wants to demolish the historic building to construct hundreds of luxury flats,   displacing this thriving local community.

It doesn't have to be this way: our community plan will buy back the building and put it under democratic control of local residents. We will restore this once proud local symbol to offer the spaces Tottenham's communities really need.

The funds will help us develop a viable business plan, the next step in a development that places people before profits.

Help Us:

Instead of demolishing a listed community asset for profit, we will help it to develop and grow so it can be of even greater service to the local community.

Whereas current proposals are for generic, low quality architecture and bland high street shops which suck money out of the local area; our community plan will preserve the unique character of Wards Corner and sustain thriving local businesses, whose revenues are reinvested in the local economy.

Rather than displace a community to build a scheme with little public support; our community plan will be democratically decided and managed by members of the local community themselves. As a consequence, we can ensure the future development truly meets the needs of local people and not private investors.

While we know these proposals sound radical, at a time when community spaces are under attack across London, we think this is exactly what is needed.

Another city is possible: Sí Se Puede!

Funding breakdown:

We currently have a diverse and passionate team working to make our community plan a reality. However, to continue developing our scheme, we will need to enlist the help of relevant expert consultants. The money we raise through this campaign will be held by the N15 Development Trust and used to take these key next steps:

- Commission specialist economic consultants to prepare a business plan

- A specialist heritage consultation report

- Architectural designs submitted with a complete planning application

- Community consultation events as proposals develop

- Outreach work with the local community

Our team:

Our community plan builds on 12 years of campaigning and consultation and enjoys widespread support. Our plan has the active support of numerous architects, planning experts, urban designers and heritage specialists. Many local Councillors have expressed their strong desire to see more and just and equitable development in Tottenham.

With your help, we can make this a reality!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

La Tortuga

Thank you for supporting the community plan, we hope you'll agree it's time to radically rethink development in London !!

£100 or more

Mi Amor

Thank you for supporting the community plan! Come and talk to us within the market about how we want to radically reimagine development in London!!

£250 or more

Te Quiero Mas

Thank you for supporting the community plan! Please let us buy you a drink in the market and chat how we want to radically reimagine development in London!!

£500 or more

Ron Pa' Todo El Mundo

Thank you for supporting the community plan! Please let us buy you dinner in the market and chat about how we can radically reimagine development in London!!

£1,000 or more

La Rebellion

Thank you for supporting the community plan! If you can pledge this we will take you on a tour of the market, buy you dinner, chat about how we want to radically reimagine development in London, get you drunk and teach you to Salsa ~ the Colombian way ~ !!

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