Community Benefits
Warberry Woods are a popular and attractive open space in the heart of Torquay, but access via Rosehill Road is not easy and has become more difficult in recent years.
There would be considerable community benefits from creating a solid tarmaced path to run from Rosehill Road through to Higher Warberry Road. This would not only limit the on-going danger of an accident eg people turning their ankle or falling, but improve the mental well-being of walkers of all ages.
We recognise that local green spaces have become arguably more important than ever. They are essential to help people maintain their wellbeing (a survey by Natural England last year found 9 in 10 people agreeing that natural spaces are good for mental health and wellbeing), especially as a recent ONS survey showed that 1 in 8 households do not have access to a garden.
Who are we are:
The Rosehill Path Community Group was formed earlier this year by a number of residents in Rosehill Road and Ben Venue Close to try and raise the necessary funds to improve the path and make the surrounding green areas more attractive.
We feel we have a community responsibility to try and improve what is obviously a well-used route. We have a chairman, secretary, co-treasurers and a safe guarding officer.
We have opened a bank account with Lloyds.
We feel we have a responsibility to improve our neighbourhood, enhance its green spaces and play our part in improving Torbay’s environment.
The problem:
The path is deteriorating and in places is becoming dangerous to navigate, especially now winter is here. After heavy rainfall the stones forming the current base wash down Rosehill Road, block drains and cause flooding. Each time this happens the path becomes harder to use.
Our timeline
Our aim is to complete the project by June 2022, at the latest. We hope to start repairs to the path during February 2022 and later in the Spring add the proposed gate.