Virgin Atlantic Foundation has provided £22,327 of match funding
The Virgin Atlantic Foundation has pledged to match the funds we raise up to £50,000 until 30th April, now it is up to us to reach and exceed that target.
Raising funds for UNHCR, to urgently support families and children forced to flee Ukraine.
The Virgin Atlantic Foundation has pledged to match the funds we raise up to £50,000 until 30th April, now it is up to us to reach and exceed that target.
pledged £5
Arne Breitsprecher has also backed 14 other projects
Virgin Atlantic Foundation match funded £5
pledged £20
pledged £20
ANNE BELLAMY has also backed 9 other projects
pledged £10
pledged £10 + an est. £2.50 in Gift Aid
Andrew Law has also backed 8 other projects
pledged £100
pledged £100 + an est. £25.00 in Gift Aid
tony clancy has also backed 2 other projects
pledged £15
pledged £15 + an est. £3.75 in Gift Aid
pledged £20