Vegan-Inclusive Education Resources!

by Laura Chepner in Ramsbottom, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 10th April 2021 we successfully raised £3,105 with 76 supporters in 42 days

Help me train more schools on vegan inclusion! I aim to create an online, CPD certified, vegan-inclusive training programme for educators!

by Laura Chepner in Ramsbottom, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

I will be able to create a folder pack to accompany the course with additional resources such as lesson plans and activities.

About Me

I am a former primary school teacher who left the profession because I felt that my vegan ethics clashed with the curriculum. A year later my own vegan daughter started nursery and I began to see that in every area of education there wasn't much in the way of understanding a vegan perspective. Fast forward another couple of years and when she started mainstream education I knew that I had to do something when she was refused vegan meals at lunchtimes and had, 'The Farm' as her topic in class.


My Work

So, I formed 'Primary Veducation' with the aim of teaching the teachers about veganism and showing them the world through their vegan child's eyes. This includes suitable and unsuitable topics, discussions around the use of animals in school, language, food and material choices. I knew that if I required this service as a vegan parent, then many others would too - and I was right! My first task was to work with my council in initiating vegan meals at lunchtime. This was my first success

Read about it here!


Shortly after that, I devised an hour-long training session that I could present to educators up and down the country in a short staff meeting. Vegan parents could get in touch with me and invite me into their schools. I haven't charged for this service! I managed to get into a handful of schools but then thought, what if I wrote a guidebook for educators? That way I could impart my knowledge upon many more educators as I could only be in one school at a time. So I did! I am the now proud author of, 'An Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching'.

 Read more about my book here!


Along the way I have assisted vegan parents and vegan children by acting as an intermediary between disputes, writing to school food companies, providing letter proformas and PowerPoint presentations. I have also spoken at Oxford University and the the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for School Food about vegan provisions - or lack thereof! I am 100% committed to promoting vegan - inclusion in education and this takes me to my next step for which I would love your support with!


My Vision

This Crowdfunder, if successful, will enable me to create an online course that Headteachers, SENCos and educators around the world can purchase. This course will provide global educators with an in-depth look into the world of a vegan child and teach them how to differentiate for that in their everyday practice. It will be an accumulation of all the knowledge that I have gained over the years as a teacher, vegan parent, research for my book, working with schools and campaigning for vegan-inclusion. More broadly it will also encourage a humane education that values health, compassion, animal sentience and the environment too! I wish for the course to be CPD accredited which makes it more attractive to schools, and that is where the money will be spent predominantly... as-well-as its creation and marketing moving forward.

PayPal option -


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£5 or more

Random act of kindness

A donation to the cause in return for eternal gratitude!

£15 or more

Books! Books! Books!

Receive 1x signed copy of my, 'Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching' and I will donate 1x signed copy to a school of your choice!

£30 or more

Book and Biscuits!

Receive 1x signed copy of my, 'Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching' and I will donate 2x signed copies to two schools of your choice! Plus... A box of 6 vegan, chocolate chip cookies posted to your door from the Vegan Cake Baker!

£50 or more

Books, Biscuits and more...!

Receive 1x signed copy of my, 'Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching' and I will donate 3x signed copies to schools of your choice! Plus... A box of 8 vegan, chocolate chip cookies posted to your door from the Vegan Cake Baker! In addition, you will receive my 'Year 1 - Teacher's Resource Pack' which you can use or donate to a school, it covers all Year 1 Literacy objectives and is designed around 'Vivi the Supervegan'!

£200 or more

Go big!

1x signed copy of my, 'Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching' & 3x signed copies to schools of your choice! A box of 10 vegan, chocolate chip cookies from the Vegan Cake Baker! 1x 'Year 1 - Teacher's Resource Pack' which you can use or donate to a school. Covering Year 1 Literacy objectives and is designed around 'Vivi the Supervegan'! 1x FREE Course donated to a school with your Name/Logo highlighted as a supporter incorporated!

£1,000 or more

0 of 5 claimed

Go big, or Go Home!

A signed copy of my, 'Educator's Guide for Vegan - Inclusive Teaching'. 5x signed copies to schools of your choice! A box of 20 Chocolate Chip cookies from The Vegan Cake Baker + secret treat! 1x 'Year 1 - Teacher's Resource Pack' covering Year 1 Literacy objectives - designed around 'Vivi the Supervegan'! 2x FREE Courses donated to schools with your Name/Logo highlighted as a supporter and dedications/acknowledgments in ALL future publications!

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