The Covid-19 Pandemic has pushed many households who were just making ends meet to the very edge. With more individuals across the North East losing their jobs due to the catastrophic combination of recession and Covid-19, Upstart Enterprise has teamed up with Play In Newcastle to host more of the much needed local community jobs fairs.
In October 2020, we delivered another one of these fairs virtually and supported local people of Throckley. In January 2021 we have enough funding to deliver a final face to face jobs fair Fawdon 2021 in Fawdon, Newcastle.
After January our funding stops.
We were unable to secure funding for 2021, due to the fact that funding has been oversubscribed as a result of the Pandemic.
Upstart Enterprise applied for a significant grant to deliver more of these much needed local jobs and skills fairs in 2021, but this was oversubscribed due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
This now leaves us unable to deliver another 4 jobs fairs in local communities in Newcastle and North Tyneside in 2021.
These jobs, skills and enterprise fairs are vital as we come out of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Throckley, Benwell, Walker and North Shields have all requested these fairs and we need £20,000 to take action and make it happen.
These fairs are even more needed in 2021 to support individuals and families affected by unemployment and job losses during the pandemic.