Upgrade and Improve Changing Rooms

by Suckbir Dhanda in Burton-on-Trent, , United Kingdom

Upgrade and Improve Changing Rooms
We did it
On 24th January 2023 we successfully raised £36,521 with 249 supporters in 42 days

We at Tutbury Cricket Club are looking to hugely upgrade the changing rooms at the Club which were last upgraded in 1958!

by Suckbir Dhanda in Burton-on-Trent, , United Kingdom

 New stretch target

We will use the extra money to further improve facilities at the club.

We have a second ground and will use an additional funds to buys sight screen and covers for our second home at Rangemoore.

The clubhouse there also needs some money spending on it.

Who are we?

We are a local village cricket club on the border of Derbyshire/Staffordshire.

Formed in 1872, we had our 150 years anniversary this season.

We run 4 seniors teams in the Derbyshire cricket league and have a very active and progressive junior section.


We run juniors allstars, Kwicks, Under 11,13,15 and Under 17 teams.


Why are we crowdfunding?

In recent years we have been desperately trying to upgrade and improve the cricket club facilities. We have built new nets following an ECB loan, re laid the pitch, brought new sight screens, covers and an electronic scoreboard.


The last thing to upgrade is the changing rooms, these were last upgraded in 1958, some 64 years ago and are in a very poor state.

We have had some quotes for around £30000 to hugely improve these and make them a more welcoming place. These will include new toilets and showers area.  Re plastering , inserting windows and glassed areas and ventilation and within this we will install LED lighting which will be more energy efficient throughout the new facility. We strongly believe and are committed to being environmentally conscious through ideas such as installing renewable technology or introducing energy efficiency measures in our endeavour to increase energy independence.  

The Derbyshire cricket league are also threatening to relegate the cricket club 1st team from the league it is in due to our facilities being inadequate , so it is a real watershed moment for the club. Either upgrade and improve or face sanctions.

We don't have funds to do the work ourselves so are desperately trying to raise funds via the crowdfunding app.

We are hoping to start this work in January/February 2023 so it will be all ready for the start of next season.

We hope you can help and support us in our quest!

How we’ll spend the money raised

All the money raised will be used to improve the changing rooms at the cricket club and mean we will have a new and welcoming facility for adults and children to enjoy over the coming years. 

The changing rooms are in a very poor state as the pictures show,

They're very damp and no ventilation, various holes and no windows, 

They need a complete re vamp and overhaul to bring them into the 21st century,

We are hoping to turn this ,



Into this below by the end of February 2023,,,


As the image shows it will be more glass, windows and much more welcomingly space inside and outside.

The aim will be to bring out the front with more glass and bi folds. Then to make the interiors more modern with new toilets and showers including a re plastering of all the inside. We have builders ready to start in January 2023 and the work will take one month to complete and we will install LED lighting which will be more energy efficient throughout the new facility. 

It will be last thing to upgrade at the club and mean we will have a facility for modern times.

A more detailed coverage of the works is below,

Raise Central External Entrance Level

The entrance to the main building, changing rooms and patios in front of changing rooms are all accessed via three separate sets of steps, the main entrance steps being quite steep and not to current regulation.  Raising the main level in line with the concrete patios and creating one step up to the front door would be overall safer. Access to this raised level would be possible via 2-3 equal steps constructed to the full width of the current entrance. The existing vents for airflow under the building would be maintained.

Aesthetics of Front Entrance

The overall look of the front entrance is in need of modernisation and some TLC.  We would remove the current timber panelled entrance (approx. 4.50m wide x 2.40m high) including entrance door and construct new timber framed entranceway (plasterboard internally) in line with the existing changing rooms which would increase the additional room indoors.  The façade of the new entranceway could be clad in cedar wood. Cedar wood has a great visual appearance, is stable, durable and is aromatic and is not generally prone to woodworm. We would supply and fit a new glazed front door with fixed glazed panels either side for additional light into building.

External Partition to both Changing Rooms

Proposed works for both the home and away changing rooms. Remove the existing timber framed structure (to include timber window) approx. 3.60m wide x 2.40m high and construct new partition to allow for larger UPVC window approx. 2.2m wide x 1100mm high with two opening lights for additional light and ventilation. This area will also be clad with cedar.

Front Wall – (in front of both changing rooms)

The front wall which edges the concrete patios in front of changing rooms is old and does not currently have a safety rail.  We propose bringing the front wall forwards (to create a larger patio area in front of the changing rooms) which will be constructed to the same height as the current patio level, we would also supply a handrail 1100mm high along the wall for safety, we could also supply matting for teams to walk on for protection against cricket spikes, these could be fixed or removable.  Concrete patio’s outside of each changing room to be paved with Indian Sandstone.

Community impact

The cricket club is an integral part of the community of Tutbury and Hatton and is very busy most days.

During the pandemic we attracted many new visitors , being an outdoor facility and this meant we started a 4th senior team and also an under 17's team for the first time. 

The cricket club gives a place for people from all age groups a chance to play an active team sport in a safe environment and more importantly have fun!


The Juniors have been very successful over recent years and we have gone from a junior section running just 2 teams to 6 and they have won titles and cups from under 11 right through to under 17.


Many of the juniors represent their County teams

 and 3 of our juniors were selected for the England under 16 indoor team for their tri nations tour of Dubai and played against South Africa and UAE.


Junior training takes place every Tuesday and we often have close to 60 kids attending the sessions which are fun and run by qualified coaches.


We have noticed a large increase in the number of children playing and feel they deserve some better changing rooms, 

Cricket is one sport where kids from all ages can mix together and learn off each other.


We are the heart and beat of the local community and the club is a safe and welcoming place for everyone.

We have matches most days and many people come and watch.

The first and second teams have recently been promoted to higher leagues and the future looks bright.


We have over 175 players from all ages playing on a weekly bases.


The current changing rooms are old in a very poor state and we need to improve these to make them a more welcoming space. The whole community will benefit from this.

RADIO DERBY are fully behind our campaign and it was great to have so much air time on their afternoon show on the 10th Jan 2023!


On Sunday's we run community fun days and many people drop by. We recently ran a Ukrainian fund raiser which raised much needed money for the people.


Commonwealth Games 2022 

creating a local legacy and to celebrate the Commonwealth Games!!!

'How our project will be United by Birmingham 2022’

 The role of the community programme is to recognise projects that are delivered by grass-roots organisations that are having a positive impact on the communities that they serve across a diverse range of subjects. These include but are not limited to projects that; aim to improve skills, offer training, provide volunteering resource, benefit the environment, encourage participation in sport, or deliver youth engagement activities. 


We are hoping to receive match funding from Sport England which is about creating a local legacy and to celebrate the Commonwealth Games.


How you can play your part


There are four simple ways to help us reach our target, and make this project a reality.

1. Make a pledge. Don’t delay if you’re going to support us because momentum is key to our success!

2. Spread the word. Share our project on your social media pages and tell the world to get behind us! The more people we reach, the more support we will get.

3. Offer rewards. Get involved if you are a local business by donating things we can offer to our supporters. We will give you a shout out!

4. If you want to run your own fundraiser to support us, maybe a sponsored activity or similar, use the 'contact project' button at the top of our page to let us know. Setting up your own page only takes a few minutes and you won’t need any bank details. Just a fun idea!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£4 or more

1 of 50 claimed

£4.90 breakfast at Paul’s Cafe Burton

Get an amazing breakfast at Paul’s Cafe in the town centre of Burton on Trent . This amazing cafe has a great reputation and has amazing food and service . For £4 it’s a great offer !

£1 or more

61 of 100 claimed

Tutbury Fryer Cone of Chips worth £1.40

Get a cone of Chips from the Tutbury Fryer chip shop in Tutbury. Worth £1.40 for just £1. To be used by end of May 2023!

£2 or more

Prize Draw ticket to win lots of goodies!

Enter a prize draw with loads of prizes up for grabs including getting a 4ball golf day at Brick Hampton Golf Club, worth £200!

£5 or more

7 of 250 claimed

£5 Invite to the grand opening of the new facility

Get on the guestlist for the opening of the new changing rooms!

£8 or more

5 of 50 claimed

£10 Reward

Car Wash, get a full car wash at the cricket club

£9 or more

2 of 50 claimed

£10 Reward 3 bottles of lager.

3 bottles of lager for £9 at the Tutbury cricket club

£15 or more

£15 Reward

One to One coaching with Evan Dhanda, current Derbyshire cricket captain for the under 16's. These will be for one hour.

£20 or more

6 of 88 claimed

£20 Reward Match ball sponsor

Sponsor a match across all 4 teams, 4 available every weekend!

£20 or more

1 to 1 with Matt Arnold

1 to 1 with Matt Arnold coach at Tutbury cricket club.

£25 or more

£25 Social Membership

Become a social member at the club and get discounts on drinks.

£25 or more

1 of 2 claimed

Adult and child Derby County tickets

Get one adult and one child tickets for a home match in the West Stand for Derby County !

£100 or more

£100 Hire the club for a party

Hire the cricket club for a social party

£100 or more

0 of 5 claimed

20% off scaffolding at Central Scaffolding

20% off scaffolding at central scaffolding , maximum £2000 quote , so saving £400. (real saving £300)

£250 or more

£250 Banner Sponsor!!!

Be a banner sponsor for the club for the 2022/2023 season. See you company name all over the club.

£250 or more

5 of 32 claimed

£250 150 years ann programme sponsor.

Put an advert in the 150 years journal. Which we will have 500-1000 copies of.

£250 or more

£250 Fin health check.

Free financial health check from a qualified fin advisor. Root and branch review to see what money you can save on your outgoings.

£2,500 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£2500 Nets Sponsor

Sponsor the nets for the 2022/2023 season! See your company name in lights!

£2,500 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£2500 Clubhouse Sponsor

Sponsor the clubhouse for the coming season and see your company name all over it!

£2,500 or more

0 of 1 claimed

£2500 Changing room sponsor

Changing room sponsor , be the main sponsor of the changing rooms for the coming season.

£50 or more

1 of 1 claimed

£70 Cheese Board offered by The Cheese Station

Large Cheese board offered by The Cheese Station worth £70,

Got an idea like this?

Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.