Unseen: The Truth Behind The NHS Death Protocols

by Richie Brown in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,147

£9,000 target 62 days left
12% 20 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 10th April 2025 at 3:52pm

To create a series of short films and later a full documentary.

by Richie Brown in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

I am Richie Brown of www.diplomaticpost.co.uk, bearing witness to the darkest chapter of the Covid era.

In collaboration with investigative journalist Jacqui Deevoy, who produced the the haunting documentaries ‘A Good Death?’ (2021) and ‘Playing God’ (2024), I’m embarking on a mission to unveil the chilling truths about the NHS death protocols implemented and executed in UK hospitals and care homes from 2020. We will look into many suspicious and untimely deaths - often referred to collectively as The Midazolam Murders - and question the widespread use of deadly medications, the silent imposition of Do Not Resuscitate orders and the grim re-enactment of end of life protocols reminiscent of the abolished Liverpool Care Pathway. 

In a race against time, we aim to capture the voices of those whose lives were forever changed and record their testimonies before ‘the powers that be’ succeed in silencing them and the people fighting for justice on their behalves. 

Before the truth is buried beneath the sands of time, we will document the harrowing stories of those who can no longer speak for themselves.

Join us in this solemn quest to ensure that this devastating period in human history, fraught with loss and betrayal, is neither forgiven nor forgotten.

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