My name's James and I'm on a mission to go from employee to employer and make a positive impact on the world. I started up Universal Simulation with £100 back in November, just before COVID hit, with an idea for a universal desktop "flight simulator" for dentists and DRs. We're not letting a pandemic slow us down though, instead, we're coming up with new products, like the Model L (the world's first portable haptic / VR universal simulator for dentists and DRs) to help universities get going again.

The Universal Simulator is our haptic and VR simulator that can be used to train students is dental and medical subjects at university.
Yes, haptics! Like the vibration on your phone when you get a notification - only this is a lot more high-tech. Loads of little motors inside a 'haptic arm' which help replicate the sensations of what's happening on the screen.
Start drilling a tooth, or giving local anaesthetic in the simulation and you'll feel like you're doing it in real life, too.

We've just sold our first 6 Model T's and 2 Advanced Model T's to a university in the EU (will be announced publicly soon!) and we can't wait to see students benefiting from haptics and VR.
The two haptics for our Advanced Model T won't be delivered until the end of the year. This means that we will deliver the 8 simulators at the start of October, but only 6 of them will be usable for the start of the school year.
If we can raise £5,000, we're going to be able to deliver the Advanced Model T's with two of our standard haptics for free to the university. This means that students won't miss out on the opportunity to practice their skills whilst waiting for our advanced haptics to be made.
With the two additional standard haptics that are delivered, the university will be able to store them after the advanced ones are delivered and then they have two backups in case any devices get damaged. Securing student's education to be uninterrupted.
Every penny from this fundraise will be accounted for on our website and with updates to all our backers. None of it will go towards our salaries or any other funny business.
Donate £20+ and get your name (or someone elses) on our supporters page on the website. You'll also get an early-access link to any future fundraising.
Everything from bronze tier and get the "UniVRsal" supporter cap in your choice of colour OR a 3D printed tooth with your initials on it.
Everything from bronze tier, silver tier + get the supporter's polo in your choice of size + colour.
Everything from Bronze, Silver, Gold tiers + get a transparent sticker on the side of one of the haptics you're helping fund with your logo + business details.
Everything from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Corporate for you and one of the first Model T's to the university of your choice.

Universal Simulation is on a mission to revolutionise the training of future dentists and DRs around the world. Using off the shelf hardware, we want universities to have the choice of building their own haptic and VR simulators (and saving money) or purchasing pre-built simulators that are guaranteed to work with all the simulations available on our platform.
The world's most afforable haptic and VR 'flight simulator' for dentists and DRs. Robust and built for the future, we're working with the world's leading simulation software companies to provide a library of simulations to choose from. This allows universities to have a mixed simulation suite which can be used for multiple subjects.
The world's first portable haptic and VR simulator for dentists and DRs. Helping universities support students who are in quarantine, or who need to shield.
For a free entry, please send a signed postcard with your phone number, email, and D.O.B to our registered offices: Office 4 219 Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, England, W8 6BD. The winner to be announced on 30/9/20 at 12pm by email.
Enter by choosing the relevant reward. Competition run by Universal Simulation Ltd. Please contact James Markey [email protected] for any queries. The winner will be asked for a delivery address to send the prize to.