Ukraine Mobility Appeal

by Pray Pals Aid to Ukraine in Saint Helens, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Ukraine Mobility Appeal

Total raised £0

£1,000 target 43 days left
0% 0 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 22nd March 2025 at 6:32pm

The aim is to raise money and donations of mobility and sanitary equipment to ease the suffering of those injured in the ongoing war.

by Pray Pals Aid to Ukraine in Saint Helens, Merseyside, United Kingdom

The war in Ukraine has claimed a colossal number of casualties and 'compassion fatigue' has begun to set in to some of the organisations providing help. The widespread corruption of the regime also contributes to a lack of materials getting through to those who have suffered the brunt of the Russian attacks. 

I decided to get some essential emergency supplies together and go and see for myself what the situation was on the ground. I completed my first trip in December and it has left a lasting impression on me. I am extremely well motivated to continue this work, as I can see how hard Ukrainians are working themselves and how much this help is needed and appreciated. 

So what do they need? 

  • Wheelchairs
  • Rollators
  • Walking frames
  • Crutches
  • Adult pads
  • Baby formula and nappies

Those who have seen the website or the flyer will have found their way to this Crowdfunder site to, hopefully, make a donation. If you have, please don't be put off by the extra percentage being asked for in tips. It helps to keep sites like this going, and, if it is still too much for those with limited funds, you can always cancel it so you only pay the net amount you wish to donate.

I am not expecting much. When I set up the crowdfunder last time round there was only anything in it because of what I put in myself. But should any amount at all appear, it will be used only to get the goods we need and get them delivered where they are needed. It is the nature of these things that they end up costing me money, and not small change at that. But if anyone is willing to back me, you will have the thanks of a beleaguered and deceived people and, I am sure, great will be your reward in Heaven. 

This is an unabashedly church-driven project. The people in Ukraine are our brethren, keeping a particularly beautiful and intense form of Christianity alive under the most difficult of circumstances. If we can't help them, there's really not much help to expect from the Almighty with anything else that may be pressing on our time and money!


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