We're still collecting donations
On the 13th February 2021 we'd raised £4,945 with 97 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
Our aim: Survival. Lockdown 3, usual winter bills and a huge unexpected vet bill, combined with no income, is bringing us to our knees.
by The Pony Academy UK in Ockham, England, United Kingdom
On the 13th February 2021 we'd raised £4,945 with 97 supporters in 28 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
The Pony Academy is small riding school dedicated to children aged 4 to 11 that creates an empowering environment where they can develop confidence, self value, leadership skills, compassion, empathy and team work whilst learning how to interact, care for and ride the ponies. We cater for children with or without special educational needs. For them, the weekend time with the ponies is the highlight of their week.
Like for many small businesses, 2020 was very difficult for us. With the support of our very generous Pony Academy community and the bounce back loan that was made available for businesses affected by the global pandemic, we wriggled through until the summer which saw us flourish. It was such a good summer for us! We thought we were safe.
November's lockdown swiped us sideways as we weren't able to sell our winter term. Summer's money had to pull us through - which it did, on the promise of a great term again in January.... which now hasn't happened due to the new lockdown.
Savings, donations and the loan are now on its last pennies. To add to it, we very sadly lost one of our beloved ponies during the Christmas break (Toffee, in the photo above) and have a huge vet bill to show for our efforts to save him. That bill has really brought us to our knees.
Our options:
1. Closing down. Not so easy... what to do with our lovely ponies? They are family and need to stay where they are. And what about all the children that look forward to seeing them and spending time with them weekend after weekend?
2. Ask for help. We can't close. We have to pull through.
So...we really need your help please. To stay above water until March, we need to raise £3725 to cover hay, feed, rent, insurance and petrol money to drive out to care for the ponies every day (about £1,865 a month). We are hoping we will be able to run our Pony Camp during half term, and but if not... then we are really in trouble. But we will worry about that then. Now, to survive until March.
Can we count on you please?
We will include some rewards here that are "pay forwards" pledges that we will honour when we can operate again. Donations would be helpful, too. However you can help with be so gratefully received. Thank you.
And when this is all over, all supporters will be invited to a Picnic with the Ponies. We can't wait for that day!
In the meantime, stay safe everybody. And thank you again.
PS: Can we also ask you to please share this campaign with your friends? Every pound will help.
This project offered rewards