National Trust Trevose Head Campaign

by nationaltrustsw in Cornwall

We did it
On 12th September 2016 we successfully raised £7,465 with 98 supporters in 56 days

The National Trust’s Trevose Head campaign is about ongoing protection of headland; keeping it beautiful for people and wildlife.

by nationaltrustsw in Cornwall

What’s happening?

Earlier this year one of Cornwall’s most prominent headlands was up for sale.  Thanks to gifts left in Wills and generous donations, the National Trust was able to make an offer to buy and protect Trevose Head.  This offer has been accepted.

Our ambition is to raise £250,000 for conservation work on the headland. We are hoping that £50,000 of this will be raised through crowdfunder. The money raised will go directly to the care and protection of Trevose Head, making sure it stays the beautiful stretch of coast it is now, to be enjoyed for ever.

Why is it important?

Buying Trevose Head is a once in a lifetime opportunity to permanently protect this headland for people and wildlife and we are now asking supporters to help us raise money for ongoing care of the headland. The money raised will go directly to supporting the rich and diverse wildlife through habitat management and maintaining and improving footpaths and access for everyone. Trevose head has 2.3miles of coast to care for and 30 hectares of priority habitat, all of which we will be able to look after with your kind donations.

The plan

We will safeguard the ownership of Trevose Head, preserve the view and guarantee access to this Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.  Specifically we will:-

  • Protect Trevose Head for people and wildlife, keeping this iconic coastal view for people to enjoy for generations to come
  • Closely manage habitats to create an environment in which coastal wildlife can flourish
  • Extension of footpaths and creation of circular walks so that everybody can enjoy the wide scoping views

With your support, Trevose Head could become one of North Cornwall’s most easily accessible and significant sites to see coastal species from grey seals, choughs and peregrines. 

With thanks

The National Trust is an independent charity and was only able to bid on the headland because of a number of generous gifts left in Wills, including gifts Mr and Mrs Harris and Mr Scholes. These donations were left to National Trust in the aim of saving and preserving the coast we all love.

"This is a beautiful place, a true jewel on the North Cornwall coast. We have a great opportunity to ensure this piece of coastline is a fantastic place for both nature and people forever. We now need our supporters to help us care for Trevose Head for ever by donating to our Trevose Head campaign"

Nick Lawrence, Area Director for Cornwall 

How to help

By donating to this appeal you are helping the National Trust have sufficient funds to ensure the headland’s ongoing protection and care. Thank you.

Why not also share how you’ve helped or share fond memories of your time at Trevose Head using #lovetrevose on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

£10 Reward

You'd be directly contributing towards the bio-survey on Trevose Head. These can cost up to £1000 to conduct and are a vital step in helping preserve the wildlife on the headland.

£20 or more

42 of 600 claimed

£20 Reward

A thank you postcard with a view of this dramatic headland to keep as a thanks for your support.

£50 or more

30 of 400 claimed

£50 Reward

A specially commissioned illustration of Trevose Head by South West artist Beci Boxall

£75 or more

5 of 300 claimed

£75 Reward

A personalised, hand written thank you card with a OS map marking where you helped to protect for ever.

£100 or more

12 of 100 claimed

£100 Reward

Free guided walk on Trevose Head with one of our experts. Talking about the landscape or the history and archaeology of this amazing headland.

£500 or more

3 of 20 claimed

£500 Reward

Become a coastal ranger and spend the day with one of our outdoor experts. Learn about what it takes to care for miles and miles of coast path, go wildlife spotting and get hands on experience with caring for Trevose Head.

£1,000 or more

2 of 10 claimed

£1,000 Reward

For this incredibly generous amount, you'll get all of the above, plus an opportunity to come to the Cornwall offices for a drinks reception, meeting all the teams that help to care for the coast, including the Area Director for Cornwall.

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