If you would like to donate to our fundraiser to secure this site, please visit: *****https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/cynefin-appeal***** Tir Natur (pronounced ‘Tier - Nat-ir’, which means ‘Nature’s Land’ in Welsh) is a registered charity and has established itself as a leading voice for the rewilding movement in Cymru | Wales. Our mission is to showcase how we can regenerate parts of our landscape for both wildlife and people. We now have an opportunity to purchase a substantial area of land ready for a wilder future. This would be the largest ecosystem restoration project in Cymru and will act as a catalyst for regenerating land and wildlife in other parts of the country in the face of unprecedented loss of nature. Your support can make this happen.
Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £40,445
+ est. £4632.25
0“As ambassador for Tir Natur, I am hugely excited by their efforts to purchase land and showcase the benefits of rewilding, not only to wildlife and the physical environment, but to farming, Welsh communities and culture. Nature needs this.”
Iolo Williams - Tir Natur Ambassador
Croeso i Tir Natur - Welcome to Tir Natur
Tir Natur (pronounced ‘Tier - Nat-ir’, which means ‘Nature’s Land’ in Welsh) is a registered charity and has established itself as a leading voice for the rewilding movement in Cymru | Wales. Our mission is to showcase how we can regenerate parts of our landscape for both wildlife and people.
We now have an opportunity to purchase a substantial area of land ready for a wilder future. This would be the largest ecosystem restoration project in Cymru and will act as a catalyst for regenerating land and wildlife in other parts of the country in the face of unprecedented loss of nature.
Your support can make this happen. Ymunwch gyda ni.
If you would like to donate to our fundraiser to secure this site, please click here.
Our work in the Welsh hills will have many benefits; from holding water on the land which will protect communities and farms downstream, to locking in carbon through peatland restoration and natural regeneration across over 1000 acres. With nature in charge, Welsh wildlife here will flourish - Oak and otter, birch and beaver - Natur yn arwain y ffordd. Nature leading the way.
Critically, we will showcase the importance of ancient, cultural breeds of cattle, ponies and pigs in rewilding. They act as ecological proxies for their wild ancestors, the Auroch, Tarpan and Wild Boar respectively that would once have roamed across Cymru. This also lays a platform for animal husbandry and therefore to demonstrate the important role that farming can play in restoring ecosystems.
More about us
Founded in 2022, Tir Natur is the only charity in Wales solely focused on rewilding. Our mission is to rewild and regenerate Welsh landscapes, providing hope and momentum for wildlife to flourish alongside thriving local communities at a time of unprecedented biodiversity loss. Showcasing the key role that grazers can play in regenerating our landscapes, and therefore the important part that farming has to play, is an important part of our work, as is advocating for nature recovery and climate mitigation in Welsh policy and leading our Wales Rewilding Network; a space for new and existing landowners to share experiences and learn from each other (comprising over 800 acres between them).
"Nature is deeply embedded in our cultural history in Wales. Tir Natur are bringing it back"
(Carwyn Graces: Author of Tir:The Story of the Welsh Landscape
Image Credit/Credyd Delwedd: Carneddau Pony (Ruth Chamberlain)
Croeso i Tir Natur - Welcome to Tir Natur
Mae Tir Natur yn elusen gofrestredig sydd wedi sefydlu ei hun fel llais blaenllaw ar gyfer y mudiad ail-wylltio yng Nghymru | Cymru. Ein cenhadaeth yw arddangos sut y gallwn adfywio rhannau o'n tirwedd ar gyfer bywyd gwyllt a phobl.
Mae gennym gyfle nawr i brynu darn sylweddol o dir yn barod ar gyfer dyfodol gwylltach. Hwn fyddai’r prosiect adfer ecosystemau mwyaf yng Nghymru a bydd yn gatalydd ar gyfer adfywio tir a bywyd gwyllt mewn rhannau eraill o’r wlad yn wyneb colli byd natur heb ei debyg.
Gall eich cefnogaeth chi wneud i hyn ddigwydd.
Os hoffech gyfrannu at ein codwr arian i sicrhau'r wefan hon, cliciwch yma.
Bydd llawer o fanteision i'n gwaith ym mryniau Cymru; o ddal dŵr ar y tir a fydd yn amddiffyn cymunedau a ffermydd i lawr yr afon, i gloi carbon drwy adfer mawndiroedd ac adfywio naturiol ar draws dros 1000 erw. Gyda natur wrth y llyw, bydd bywyd gwyllt Cymru yma yn ffynnu - Derw a dyfrgi, bedw ac afanc - Natur yn arwain y ffordd. Natur yn arwain y ffordd.
Yn hollbwysig, byddwn yn arddangos pwysigrwydd bridiau hynafol, diwylliannol o wartheg, merlod a moch wrth ail-wylltio. Maen nhw'n gweithredu fel dirprwyon ecolegol i'w cyndeidiau gwyllt, yr Auroch, y Tarpan a'r Baedd Gwyllt yn y drefn honno a fyddai unwaith wedi crwydro ledled Cymru. Mae hyn hefyd yn gosod llwyfan ar gyfer hwsmonaeth anifeiliaid ac felly i ddangos y rhan bwysig y gall ffermio ei chwarae wrth adfer ecosystemau.
Mwy amdanom ni
Wedi’i sefydlu yn 2022, Tir Natur yw’r unig elusen yng Nghymru sy’n canolbwyntio’n llwyr ar ailwylltio. Ein cenhadaeth yw ail-wylltio ac adfywio tirweddau Cymru, gan roi gobaith a momentwm i fywyd gwyllt ffynnu ochr yn ochr â chymunedau lleol ffyniannus ar adeg o golli bioamrywiaeth digynsail. Mae arddangos y rôl allweddol y gall porwyr ei chwarae wrth adfywio ein tirweddau, ac felly’r rhan bwysig sydd gan ffermio i’w chwarae, yn rhan bwysig o’n gwaith, yn ogystal ag eirioli dros adferiad natur a lliniaru hinsawdd ym mholisi Cymru ac arwain ein Rhwydwaith Ailwylltio Cymru. ; gofod i dirfeddianwyr newydd a phresennol rannu profiadau a dysgu oddi wrth ei gilydd (yn cynnwys dros 800 erw rhyngddynt).