Tiny Forest for Cator Park

by Millie Knights in Beckenham, England, United Kingdom

We did it
On 14th November 2023 we successfully raised £31,927 with 243 supporters in 42 days

To plant a ‘Tiny Forest’ of 600 trees in Cator Park, in response to the tree felling that took place nearby in June

by Millie Knights in Beckenham, England, United Kingdom

On 10th June this year, 131 trees were illegally cut down by someone claiming  to be the landowner in an area adjacent to Cator Park- the area had grown naturally over decades and is used by residents and families for dog walking, picnics, to relax and interact with nature.
1696281338_eaba9ef7-0cd6-4bd9-9614-bd5e5b3bf1c2.jpegOn that day, local residents responded to a call for help and blocked a digger from accessing the park,  saving the remaining trees and they called police, who arrested those responsible- but sadly too late for the damage they had already caused.


While the Council investigation continues with a view to prosecution and a permanent tree protection order is in place, the land is privately owned metropolitan open land and is therefore not protected in the same way as publicly owned land.


Tiny Forest Project

As a positive action, to bring the community together in response to the ecocide and improve the natural woodland environment, we are looking to plant a ‘Tiny Forest’ near to the site of the destruction but in Council owned Cator Park.

What is a Tiny Forest?

This will be 600 dense, fast growing trees (occupying an area the size of a tennis court) which the community can maintain and protect as they grow, creating a stronger connection to nature in the park.

Tiny Forest can connect people with nature in their local area and support general wellbeing. They offer a place to relax, watch wildlife and an educational resource.

Δ 600 trees planted densely in atennis-court size plot, maximising benefits per m2 of land

Δ Planting method encourages accelerated forest development and uses no chemicals or fertilisers

Δ Low management and maintenance requirements after the first two years

Δ Rich biodiversity, capable of attracting over 500 animal and plant species within the first 3 years

Δ A nature-rich accessible green space and outdoor classroom for people to reconnect with nature

Δ Monitoring data gathered by citizen scientists to help understand how Tiny Forests develop, and quantify the climate benefits

Community Engagement

The forest is expected to engage:

Δ Up to 100 volunteers on planting and monitoring days

Δ 4-6 volunteers as a Keeper Team to care the forest

Δ The wider community, visitors and school children as an inspiring place to enjoy nature

Support for the Tiny Forest 
With support from Earthwatch, London Borough of Bromley the Friends of Alexandra Recreation Ground and Cator Park and the local Councillors,  we aim for this community project to start and see the trees planted early next year, with three years of watering snd maintaining the site supported by local groups and volunteers.

Update- Veolia Grant

£2516 will be used to support a grant application for the Cator Park Tiny Forest to Veolia made by London Borough of Bromley, which requires a 10% commitment from a third party. This is only needed if the grant application is successful and means even more support for the Tiny Forest!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

Supporter e-Newsletter

Support the Tiny Forest with a smaller donation- we’ll provide email newsletters with updates on the Forest, planting onwards, with news of any public events and volunteering opportunities in the park!

£60 or more

55 of 600 claimed

Buy a tree

Support the project by buying one of the 600 trees that will be planted in Cator Park! You’ll receive a wooden key-ring, hand crafted by a local trader specially for the Tiny Forest Project. You’ll also be listed as a tree sponsor on our website, invited to the planting day and receive regular updates as the trees grow, along with invites to citizen science days and other events taking place in the park!

£240 or more

11 of 25 claimed

Buy a Tree Family

Designed for households, support the Tony Forest by buying four trees! Along with all other rewards, you’ll be invited to our dedicated family volunteering days and events- designed for parents and children to participate together, with child friendly materials and activities!

£240 or more

1 of 10 claimed

Local Business/ Community Group Support

For local businesses or community organisations- pledge to support the Forest, we’ll give regular updates and arrange team volunteering days for your staff or members to engage with the forest/park and see how your support maintains the forest to thrive! We’ll also do a shout out to your business/organisation on our socials and feature your name and logo as a sponsor on our website.

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