Three Kinds of Normal: The Musical

by Three Kinds of Normal: The Musical in Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,000

£5,500 target 13 days left
18% 25 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 24th February 2025 at 12:00am

Three Kinds of Normal is a new British musical

by Three Kinds of Normal: The Musical in Brighton and Hove, United Kingdom


Three Kinds of Normal is a dystopian musical about eighteen-year-old Cassie Hatman, who gets too close to a man-made black hole (yes, they really do exist) and is blasted a hundred years into the future. In this unrecognisable world, one half of society (the all-power Shephers) can control the other. The show investigates what happens when power falls into the wrong hands, and provides a reminder that, with a little help from the right people , even the smallest of acts  can change the world . 

Following a sold-out presentation as part of the ‘Musical Bites’ initiative at The Other Palace, we need your help to bring Three Kinds of Normal back to the stage in 2025. 


Three Kinds of Normal was first conceptualised by writer and composer Charlie-Jo Simpson whilst still at school. As the show grew up with her, it became a playground in which to examine the meaning of ‘fitting in’. In her imagined future, society is split down the middle by genetic mutations, and the meaning of ‘normal’ has changed entirely. The show scrutinises the belief that it’s ok to be different, by dropping the –quite ‘ordinary’– Cassie Hatman into this bizarre future, and watching how things play out… 

In May 2024 we presented Three Kinds of Normal at The Other Palace in London as part of the ‘Musical Bites’ initiative. This initiative provides new musicals with the opportunity to showcase their material, as part of a condensed reading. The event was a sold-out success, receiving a standing ovation and a four star review!




In September 2024, we took to the studio to record an EP, which we have titled ‘The Sunflower Demos’. The EP is made up of four key songs, from across the show, with the first track ‘Cassie’s Calling’ already available to stream on Spotify.

We have been overjoyed with the reception of Three Kinds of Normal since The Other Palace. As our audience has continued to grow, we have been able to connect with some very talented individuals by holding a designing competition for our new album artwork. We are very excited to share the winning design!

Winning design by Izzy Sallows


We hope to share more of the tracks as our fundraiser progresses and give everyone a greater insight to our show!




A note from Charlie-Jo Simpson, writer and composer of Three Kinds of Normal

I have been working on Three Kinds of Normal since I was fourteen (it was called The Shephers back then), when I sat down at the piano and connected the song I was writing with one of the nerdy time travel diagrams on my wall. This related, of course, to a girl with scientist parents and a man-made black hole. 

I hadn’t seen many musicals when I started writing this show, as none of my family were interested in them (Dad having a particular dislike)! That being said, I have always been fascinated by creating stories in dystopian and sci-fi worlds. When I started songwriting, musicals seemed to be the natural progression, in order to connect the two passions. Over the years, I’ve used these songs, characters and stories to make sense of growing up, and it’s become so close to me that the idea of watching this show come to life is more of a dream than I can put into words. 

When I met Liberty a few years ago, I finally had the push I needed to stop hiding the script and music in my bedroom. With help from some incredibly talented friends, we were able to put Three Kinds of Normal on in London as a cut-down reading. To say I was overwhelmed with the support and warmth I felt on that day would be an understatement – it took me at least a week to recover! Since then, the team has grown, and I couldn’t be more grateful for everyone’s passion and commitment. Every penny that is donated to this show is hugely significant in bringing Three Kinds of Normal to life. One day soon, I really hope to see you there!



We are so incredibly grateful to everyone who supports and/or donates, and it is important that you know where your money is going. We have set out a budget that takes our biggest costs into consideration, and to ensure all donations go to good use.


Our goal is to put on three shows in the Summer of 2025, and we have looked into the cost of numerous venues, bringing us to the understanding that venues will be our highest cost point. 

Rehearsal Space

Rehearsal space is an integral part of our process, as we need the appropriate space for the cast, crew and band while bringing the show to life. In previous years we have been university students with access to free rehearsal space, however, as the Summer approaches we will lose access to this, and as a result will need to find a new space to rehearse in. Having looked into various spaces, we have found that rehearsal spaces will be our second highest cost point. 


Putting on a musical involves a lot of tech! One of the biggest investments being the hire of mics for both the cast and the band during show week. We want everyone to be able to hear the wonderful live band and cast clearly during the show as that is what creates a truly special musical experience.

Costume and Props

Alongside hearing the cast and band, a musical is a visual experience! Given our show is set 100 years into the future it is important for us to create a show in which the audience truly feels immersed. Costuming and props play a key role in bringing a show to life, so we have set out a part of our budget to allow us to invest in the appropriate costuming and props to do so. 


Like with all projects, little costs add up! We want to ensure we have everything covered should we face any challenges. Therefore, part of our budget will be set aside for this exact reason. We also plan to advertise our show, through posters and flyers, therefore part of the budget will also be dedicated to printing these materials.


We understand that not everyone is in a position to donate, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still support our show! Support is what keeps our show alive, so here are a few ways in which you can show yours for free:

  • Following our social media. This way you can stay up to date on our journey as our show continues to grow. We post regularly on all platforms, sharing all things Three Kinds of Normal. So give us a follow to be amongst the first to see our latest news.

Our Socials:

    TikTok: @threekindsthemusical

    Instagram: @threekindsthemusical

    LinkedIn: Three Kinds of Normal

    YouTube: @ThreeKindsOfNormal

  • Listen to our musicAs mentioned previously, alongside this fundraiser, we are also releasing ‘The Sunflower Demos’. As of the 13th January 2025, our first track ‘Cassie’s Calling’ is available to stream on all platforms. You can support our show by saving the song to your playlists and listening!

  • Sharing our campaign. Sharing our fundraising campaign on your socials or with friends and family is a great way to support Three Kinds of Normal! It helps us share our show and story.

We are so grateful for all of the support we have achieved so far, and we cannot wait to share Three Kinds of Normal with everyone!

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This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£25 or more

£25 Reward

Donate £25 to receive a special thanks from the team, with a behind the scenes update on our progress!

£50 or more

£50 Reward

Donate £50 to receive a digital signed poster, as well as a special thanks from the team, with a behind the scenes update on our progress!

£100 or more

£100 Reward

Donate £100 and your name will be featured in our programme! You will also receive a digital signed poster, as well as a special thanks from the team, with a behind the scenes update on our progress!

£250 or more

Largest Donation Reward

(Pledge amount subject to highest donation upon the end of the fundraising campaign) The person who provides the largest donation will have their name featured during at some point the show on closing night! They will also receive all of the previously listed rewards.

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