We're still collecting donations
On the 1st July 2020 we'd raised £10,352 with 443 supporters in 49 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
To raise much needed funds for our venue.
by The Peer Hat in Manchester, England, United Kingdom
On the 1st July 2020 we'd raised £10,352 with 443 supporters in 49 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.
First off thank you so much for your messages of support, they really do mean a lot. We've held off on doing one of these for a while, at points the timing didn't seem right as there were other people and other places under bigger threat than us, but the time has come for us to ask for your help too.
As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic is ripping through our economy at a rapid rate of knotts, sadly independent music venues like ours are going to be the worst hit. Without help we we cannot guarantee we'll still be here when the dust settles. That's the long and short of it. If you are able, we would very much appreciate your support.
We've been able to keep afloat for the last couple of months mainly due to the government grant. However, the screw is beginnning to tighten leaving us on decidely shaky ground from hereon in.
The future of music venues in the city is for many very vague, especially in the case of businesses that are renting and have not been granted any rent deferral whatsoever, but that's where we find ourselves.
Whenever the crisis resolves itself, the potential ramifications of social distancing and fallout from virus-paranoia may live beyond the day restrictions are lifted. Many places like ours may feel like they're starting again from the beginning. And with that the usual anxieties of that situtation may well resurface i.e. I hope we can pay the rent this month.
It's not my job to sit here and blow a trumpet for The Peer Hat. It means as much to me as it means to some of you. Those that have a connection with the place know why they do and that's why they return. If we emerge into a new world then lets build something from the ashes of the old one and keep places like The Peer Hat alive with the warmth of our community. Inebriated, obviously...
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