As theatre-makers with no place to make theatre but online we've had to re-think our approach to theatre-making. And with no live audiences we've had to re-think how we share our work with people. 'The Realist' is a project conceived to explore how we bridge this gap between us as a group, but also between us and audiences. 'The Realist' is an experimental live radio show streamed online every week at 6pm, in which we explore themes close to our hearts. The length of the show will grow as we have more to say and get more used to working this way. Money raised will go towards supporting young people with accessing our Zoom sessions and to pay staff to run the sessions/broadcasts. You can have a listen to our first ever live stream here:
Creative expression is more important now than ever before, with mental health concerns on the rise and young people's voices getting lost along the way. 'The Realist' is the world seen through the eyes of young people.