Project aim
The Unconventional Guitar Company is a company making 1, 3, and 4 string handcrafted slide guitars. These will be available in local music shops and online through eBay and Amazon. Our aim is to create a long term sustanible company specializing in handcrafted guitars, both slide and regular fretted instruments. The main appeal for customers will be the handcrafted nature of the instruments and the ability to custom order their own instrument.
One of the big advantages of a business like this is the market is quite solid and not prone to large fluctuations despite the larger economic climate.
About the project
The UGC Mk4/b 4 string guitar
The UGC is a small company based just outside of Ipswich, Suffolk. We make 1, 3, and 4 string slide guitars. All our guitars are hand crafted at our small workshop.
The guitars we are currently producing have been made famous by artists such as Seasick Steve, Bo Diddley, and Billy Gibbons(ZZ Top). Being hand crafted and professionally made gives our instruments a big boost over the competition, as well as being slightly cheaper :)
Currently we intend to sell the 4 string (Mk4/b) for £200, the 3 string (Mk5) for £180, and the 1 string (Mk1) for £150. All orders will also have shipping added to the price.
For marketing we will take full advantage of the internet, using social media to target our audience which is primarily blues musicians. We will also be demonstrating the product at various music events and open mics around the local area at first but as we build moving out to a more national stage.
What we need the money for
Clamps £100
Router £100
Drill Press £200
Pyrography kit £50
Airbrush £80
Spraygun and compressor £150
Table Saw £500
Chop Saw £90
Drill (cordless) x 2(£80 each) £160
Band Saw £70
Computer £1100
Materials for initial run £900
Moneys for initial startup costs (Internet, advertising, promotional materials, etc.) £500
Loan for prototype costs £500 (loan for the development of prototypes)
I have spreadsheets for the first year available on request
About Michael "Miki" Parkinson
Head of the UGC
After many years as a professional guitar player, producer, studio owner, and engineer I have a great understanding of the market and our potential customers. Basically I understand what our customers are looking for in a guitar and how much they want to pay, and this gives the UGC great potential to do very well in today's market.
Here is a link to a short demo song of the Mk4/B
The UGC Mk5 3 string guitar
£35 - UGC Investor T Shirt
£50 - UGC Investor T-Shirt plus 10% off any UGC purchase
£75 - UGC Investor T-Shirt plus 20% off any UGC purchase
£150 - UGC Investor T-Shirt plus 30% off any UGC purchase and a special version of the Mk4/B 4 string guitar
£250 - UGC Investor T-Shirt, 30% off any UGC purchase, a special version of the Mk4/B 4 string guitar, and a share of the profits after 1 year. Share amounts will be decided by how many invest at this level to a total of 33% of the year end profits.