The Turing Trust supports education in the UK and around the world by reusing computers and improving teacher training using IT. We provide skills development in the UK while reducing waste and contributing to an environmentally friendly society.
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Total raised so far £21,235
+ est. £3019.75
4Founded by Alan Turing’s family, The Turing Trust seeks to continue his legacy by using technology to empower disadvantaged communities. Alan is widely regarded as the father of modern computing and he saw IT as a tool for solving immense challenges. He also had a passion for helping others: he funded one member of his foster family to work in Africa and sponsored a Jewish refugee’s schooling during World War II.
In honour of Alan Turing’s altruistic spirit, we refurbish IT equipment, install a range of educational software and provide it to those who need it most. With your help and a great deal of hard work, we believe that one day every child will be able to enjoy the transformative power of technology that Alan envisioned.