To support Tom and his young family; and to raise awareness of PSP.
by Running for Tom in Eton, England, United Kingdom
WE DID IT! And the short video above proves it :-) ... It was a fantastic day to be part of a team of great runners with great supporters. And with Tom and his family being part of it too. Thank you if supported, shared, donated or commented. THIS IS OUR LAST FULL DAY OF OUR CROWD FUNDER SITE BEING LIVE ... so if you have been thinking about donating and haven't yet, you have the opportunity to help us raise the LAST £427 to help us reach our stretch target of £30,000.
(Remember this crowdfunder site works on 0% commission but you will be asked for an optional donation to them - which requires you to opt out.)
This is our friend and talented colleague, Tom Spencer, and his young family. Sadly at the age of 42, Tom was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) a rare and progressive neurological condition caused by the premature loss of nerve cells in certain parts of the brain. In other words, increasing numbers of brain cells become damaged over time leading to loss of balance, movement, vision, speech and swallowing.
Tom can no longer be left on his own for fear of falling; and alterations need to be carried out on his house to accommodate his needs. Despite all this, Tom maintains a wicked sense of humour.
At the risk of stating the obvious, this is a challenging time for Tom, his wife Phillene and his 3 children Anton, Monica and Tamsin; and the short video above shows the challenges they are all facing.
We are friends, supporters and colleagues who simply want to find a way to help. We are running to raise money and awareness. The main event for most of us is the Reading Half Marathon on 17th March 2019; and there is also a group running the Hampton Court Half Marathon on the same day. Our first contributor was a runner in the Portsmouth Marathon on the 23rd December 2018.
All runners are paying their own expenses and entry fees, and this crowdfunder site works on 0% commission (although you will be asked for optional donation to them - which requires you to opt out). So anything that you might choose to contribute will either go to Tom's family to help them with caring for Tom, to support the family, or if they so wish to be donated to a charity of their choice, such as the PSP Association.
Thank you if you have chosen to support us with a donation.